An IndieWeb app with extensions for sharing information to micropub endpoints and reading from microsub endpoints. Written in Electron, so available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
The philosophy at the moment of the app is that it will not be a full blown client like the Android version. The main focus is on the most common features used on a daily basis.
There are a few outstanding feaures coming somewhere in the near future:
Note that currently multiple accounts or using the IndieAuth flow is not on the roadmap. Pull requests welcome of course :)
See the releases page:
When you generate a token on WordPress and using Aperture as your Microsub server, make sure the 'me' value of the token is set to the same as used in Aperture. Usually, this is just the URL of your website. To make sure that the 'me' value is set to that, fill in the Website on your profile and set the 'Set User to Represent Site URL' value to your user on the IndieAuth settings page.
You can also run this application if you are familiar with development tools. Make sure to have the most stable version running of npm.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd indigenous-desktop
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start
This app uses following libraries:
There are ton of other (mobile) clients, see and