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[FEATURE REQUEST] Develop a Release Approval and Review Page for A&R #18

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


Our platform currently lacks a formal process for A&R representatives to review, approve, or request changes to pending releases. To streamline the release management process and maintain high-quality content standards, we propose the development of a dedicated release approval page. This page should enable A&R teams to review each pending release in detail, approve them for publication, or communicate necessary revisions directly within the platform. Additionally, it should feature a log of changes for each release to track revisions and updates efficiently.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, there is no integrated system for A&R representatives to review, approve, or request changes to releases. This gap necessitates manual communication and tracking, leading to inefficiencies and potential delays in the release process.

Steps to Implement

  1. Design and develop a user interface for the release approval page, focusing on usability and easy access to all necessary information.
  2. Implement backend functionality to populate the approval page with pending releases and support actions (approve, request changes, reject) by A&R representatives.
  3. Create a change log feature for each release, capturing all revisions made throughout the review process.
  4. Establish automated notifications to inform artists or labels about the status of their submissions.
  5. Conduct testing with A&R representatives and select artists or labels to refine the approval process and interface.

Additional Context

Implementing a formal release approval process will not only enhance operational efficiency but also ensure that all content published on the platform meets our quality standards. This feature is critical for maintaining the integrity of our music catalog and supporting productive collaboration between A&R teams and content creators.
