Industrial-Parasite / issues

A repo for reporting issues with Industrial Parasite Apps
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Industrial Parasite - Issue Tracker

Welcome to the official issue tracker for Industrial Parasite apps! We value your input, and we're committed to making our apps and website as user-friendly and bug-free as possible. This repository is dedicated solely to reporting and tracking issues related to the Industrial Parasite website and applications.

Reporting Issues

Before reporting an issue, please ensure it has not already been reported by searching through the existing issues. If you find that your issue is already reported, you can contribute by adding more information to the existing report or by expressing your interest with a reaction or comment.

How to Report a New Issue

  1. Create a New Issue: Click on the Issues tab and then select the "New Issue" button.
  2. Choose a Template: If available, select a template that best matches the type of issue you're reporting. Templates are designed to guide you in providing all the necessary information.
  3. Describe the Issue:
    • Title: Provide a short, descriptive title for your issue.
    • Description: Include a detailed description of the issue. Clearly describe what is happening and what you expected to happen.
    • Steps to Reproduce: If applicable, list the steps required to reproduce the issue.
    • Environment: Specify any relevant details about your environment, such as the app version, web browser, OS, and device type.
    • Screenshots/Videos: If possible, add screenshots or videos that help illustrate the problem.
    • Additional Context: Provide any other context about the problem here, such as how often it occurs or any patterns noticed.


Please apply appropriate labels to your issue if you have the permissions to do so. Labels help categorize and prioritize issues.

Contributing to Discussions

Feel free to contribute to discussions on existing issues, even if you are not experiencing the issue yourself. Additional insights or workarounds are always welcome.

Code of Conduct

By participating in this project, you are expected to uphold our Code of Conduct. Please be respectful and constructive in your communications.


For urgent issues or security concerns, please contact us directly at

Thank you for contributing to the Industrial Parasite community. Your reports help us improve our apps and website for everyone.