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[FEATURE REQUEST] Add a Dashboard to the Studio Section #22

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To enhance the usability and efficiency of the studio section for our artists and content creators, we propose the addition of a comprehensive dashboard. This dashboard will serve as the central hub for artists to access key features, track their content performance, and receive important notifications or updates from the platform.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, the studio section lacks a centralized dashboard, requiring artists to navigate through multiple pages to manage their content, view performance data, or check for updates and notifications.

Steps to Implement

  1. Design Phase: Collaborate with UX/UI designers to create a user-friendly dashboard layout that integrates seamlessly with the existing studio interface.
  2. Development Phase: Develop the dashboard feature, ensuring it dynamically displays relevant data and notifications for each artist. Implement customization options for artists to tailor their dashboard experience.
  3. Integration and Testing: Integrate the dashboard with existing studio features and backend systems to pull real-time data and notifications. Conduct thorough testing with a group of artists to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Launch and Feedback Collection: Roll out the dashboard to all studio users, accompanied by guides or tutorials on utilizing the new feature. Collect ongoing feedback for future improvements.

Additional Context

A dashboard is crucial for improving the artist experience on our platform, offering a streamlined and intuitive interface for managing their creative content. By providing artists with easy access to vital information and tools, we can enhance their productivity and satisfaction with our platform.
