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[FEATURE REQUEST] Implement Email Subscription Section for Artists and Label #23

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To bolster direct communication channels between our artists, the label, and their fans, we propose the creation of an email subscription section within our platform. This feature will allow artists and the label to collect email subscribers directly through the platform and facilitate targeted email communications, such as newsletters, release announcements, and exclusive offers.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, there is no integrated functionality for email subscriptions or direct email marketing within the platform. Artists and the label must rely on external tools and services to communicate with their audience via email, leading to fragmented experiences and potential barriers to subscriber growth.

Steps to Implement

  1. Design and Development: Design a user-friendly email subscription interface for both artists/label and fans. Develop the backend infrastructure to support email list management, email composition, sending functionalities, and analytics.
  2. Subscriber Management Features: Include features for importing existing subscriber lists, segmenting audiences, and customizing email templates to fit various communication needs.
  3. Compliance and Privacy: Incorporate features to ensure compliance with email marketing regulations, including subscriber consent verification and straightforward unsubscribe mechanisms.
  4. Testing and Launch: Conduct thorough testing with a select group of artists and the label to refine the feature. Provide documentation and support materials to assist with the transition to the new system.

Additional Context

By integrating an email subscription section, we aim to enhance artist-fan engagement and provide valuable tools for marketing and communication. This feature aligns with our commitment to supporting our artists' and label's growth while offering fans more personalized ways to connect with their favorite music.
