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[FEATURE REQUEST] Implement a Notifications System #24

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To enhance user engagement and keep artists, labels, and fans updated on important events, activities, and interactions within the platform, we propose the introduction of a comprehensive notifications feature. This system would serve to inform users of new releases, comments, likes, follows, and other significant actions that concern their content or interests.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, the platform lacks a unified system for notifying users about activities and updates, potentially leading to missed opportunities for interaction and engagement.

Steps to Implement

  1. Design Phase: Outline the user interface for the notifications system, focusing on accessibility and user-friendliness. Define the types of activities that will trigger notifications.
  2. Development Phase: Build the backend infrastructure to support the generation, delivery, and management of notifications. Ensure the system can scale to accommodate the platform's growth.
  3. Integration: Seamlessly integrate the notifications system with existing platform features, ensuring that all relevant activities can trigger notifications according to user preferences.
  4. Testing and Feedback: Launch the feature with a group of beta testers to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before a full rollout.

Additional Context

A robust notifications system is key to fostering an active and engaged community by ensuring that users stay informed about relevant activities and interactions. This feature will significantly enhance the user experience, encouraging more frequent visits and interactions on the platform.
