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[FEATURE REQUEST] Introduce Subscription Model for Enhanced Artist and Label Engagement #25

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To create a new revenue stream and deepen fan engagement, we propose the introduction of a subscription model for artists and the label on our platform. This model would enable artists and the label to offer exclusive benefits, content, and experiences to subscribers, fostering a closer community and providing fans with additional value.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, there is no direct mechanism on the platform for artists or the label to monetize content and interactions through a subscription model, nor for fans to support their favorite artists and the label in this manner.

Steps to Implement

  1. Feasibility Study and Planning: Conduct a thorough analysis to determine the most appealing subscription benefits and pricing models. Engage with artists and fans for input.
  2. System Design and Development: Design the subscription system infrastructure, including user interfaces for subscription management, payment processing integrations, and tools for artists and the label to communicate with and provide benefits to subscribers.
  3. Beta Testing: Roll out the subscription model to a select group of artists and fans to test the system, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Launch and Promotion: Officially launch the subscription model across the platform, accompanied by marketing efforts to highlight the new feature and its benefits to artists, the label, and fans.

Additional Context

Implementing a subscription model aligns with broader trends in the music industry towards direct artist-fan connections and recurring revenue models. This feature will not only provide financial benefits but also encourage ongoing engagement and build a loyal fan base.
