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[FEATURE REQUEST] Implement Copyright Claim Management Section #27

Open Klastic opened 7 months ago

Klastic commented 7 months ago


To address and manage copyright issues more efficiently on our platform, we propose the addition of a dedicated copyright claim section. This feature would provide a clear, structured process for rights holders to submit copyright claims, and for artists to respond to these claims. The goal is to ensure that all content on the platform respects copyright laws and the rights of creators while maintaining a fair and transparent process for dispute resolution.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, there is no centralized or standardized process on the platform for handling copyright claims, potentially leading to confusion, unresolved disputes, and unintentional copyright infringement.

Steps to Implement

  1. Design Phase: Create the UI/UX design for the copyright claim section, focusing on simplicity and ease of use for submitting and responding to claims.
  2. Development Phase: Build the backend infrastructure to support claim submission, notification, response, and resolution processes. Ensure data privacy and security throughout.
  3. Pilot Testing: Conduct testing with a small group of rights holders and artists to refine the process and interface based on real-world usage and feedback.
  4. Launch and Education: Introduce the copyright claim section to all platform users, accompanied by educational resources on copyright laws, platform policies, and best practices for content management.

Additional Context

Implementing a copyright claim section is crucial for protecting intellectual property rights, fostering trust among creators, and ensuring that the platform remains a respectful and lawful space for sharing and discovering content.
