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[FEATURE REQUEST] Develop Self-Serve Ad System with AI Content Approval #31

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To generate revenue from streamers using free or mid-tier plans while enhancing their streaming experience, we propose the introduction of a self-serve ad system. Ads will integrate seamlessly into the music player, phasing in for 30 seconds during the middle of currently playing songs. These ads should be streamer-friendly, with content relevant to music, gaming, etc. Utilizing OpenAI for ad content approval will ensure appropriateness and relevance. Streamers should have preferences for ad categories, although a base category for general ads will always be present.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, there is no ad system in place for streamers on free or mid-tier plans, missing an opportunity for revenue generation and enhanced streamer engagement.

Steps to Implement

  1. Ad System Design and Development: Design the ad integration within the music player, ensuring a non-disruptive user experience. Develop the backend for ad content management, streamer preferences, and performance tracking.
  2. OpenAI Integration for Ad Approval: Implement an OpenAI-based system to review and approve submitted ads, ensuring they meet platform standards for content.
  3. Streamer Preference Settings: Create a UI for streamers to set their ad preferences, including category selection and frequency.
  4. Testing and Feedback: Pilot the ad system with a select group of streamers to gather feedback on the user experience, ad relevance, and OpenAI content approval effectiveness.
  5. Launch and Monitoring: Roll out the self-serve ad system to all eligible streamers, closely monitoring system performance, streamer feedback, and ad content quality for ongoing optimizations.

Additional Context

This self-serve ad system aims to balance revenue generation with a positive streaming experience, leveraging AI to maintain content standards and allowing streamers some control over ad relevance.
