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[FEATURE REQUEST] Introduce Site-Wide Search Capability #34

Open Klastic opened 4 months ago

Klastic commented 4 months ago


To improve navigability and user experience on our platform, we propose the introduction of a site-wide search feature. This functionality will enable users to quickly find artists, songs, playlists, events, and other content with ease, enhancing the discoverability of the vast array of resources our platform offers.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Currently, the platform lacks a comprehensive search tool, making it challenging for users to navigate and discover specific content among the extensive offerings available.

Steps to Implement

  1. Search Engine Integration: Choose and integrate a powerful search engine solution that can index and retrieve content across the platform efficiently.
  2. UI/UX Design: Design the search interface, focusing on accessibility and ease of use. The search bar should be intuitive and accessible from all parts of the platform.
  3. Feature Development: Develop the search functionality, including backend services for indexing content, processing queries, and displaying organized search results.
  4. Testing and Optimization: Conduct extensive testing to ensure search accuracy and performance. Gather user feedback to refine search features, such as filters and sorting options.
  5. Deployment and User Education: Roll out the site-wide search feature and provide users with guides or tutorials on using the search function to maximize its potential.

Additional Context

A site-wide search feature is crucial for enhancing user engagement and satisfaction, allowing users to explore the platform fully and connect with content that interests them with minimal effort.
