Industrial-Parasite / issues

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[BUG] Track files do not always upload. #58

Open Klastic opened 2 weeks ago

Klastic commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the Bug

Users are experiencing intermittent failures during the track upload process. Specifically, some users report that their attempts to upload a track do not succeed on the first try, but succeeding on a subsequent attempt with a new release. This inconsistent behavior suggests underlying issues with the upload mechanism or server response handling.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Attempt to upload a track as part of a release.
  2. Observe whether the upload process completes successfully or fails without a clear error message.
  3. If the upload fails, initiate a new release and attempt the upload again.
  4. Note whether the second attempt succeeds where the first one failed.

Expected Behavior

Every track upload should consistently succeed or fail with clear, actionable error messages guiding the user on how to resolve any issues. There should be no discrepancy in upload success on repeated attempts under the same conditions.

Actual Behavior

The track upload process is inconsistent; uploads that fail on one attempt may succeed on another without any changes to the file or upload conditions. This inconsistency can cause frustration and confusion among users.


Suggested Actions

Additional Context

This issue has led to increased support tickets and user dissatisfaction. Addressing it promptly will not only improve user experience but also reduce the burden on support teams and enhance the platform's reliability.