Closed Industry4 closed 1 year ago
Progress Update: This issue is in active development.
Progress Update: This has now reached System Test
/extensions/ Note: The Supervisory System needs to be Setup /extensions/
To set the Work Order: /extensions/
TODO: This will be made settable in the Operator User Interface. See issue #58
While the QueryWorkOrderInfo hasn't been replied to the Validation status will be set to Incomplete.
If the data is used a warning will be shown and the interlock applied.
When the Supervisory System has replied, the Validation status will be set to Good, unless a blank record is sent then it will be set to Bad.
Any messages sent to the Supervisory System that hasn't been replied to are visible at IPC-HERMES-9852 > Supervisory. For more information see issue #60
Implement QueryWorkOrderInfo