Infineon / CyScope

2 Channel Oscilloscope and Waveform Geneator uisng a CY8CKIT-059 board and a TCL based PC GUI.
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This is a 2-channel oscilloscope and waveform generator implemented on a Cypress' PSoC5LP device. The implementation has been done for three evaluation kits:

CY8CKIT-059 kit -> ScopePSoC

See the file PSoC_5LP_Scope.docx for details on how to program and use the oscilloscope and waveform generator.

CY8CKIT-043 kit -> ScopeKitProg

The file KitProg_Scope.docx describes how to use the PSoC 5LP programmer on the kit as the oscilloscope and waveform generator. Other functionality (PWM and digitial inputs/outputs) are removed due to pin limitations.

FreeSoC2 kit -> ScopeFreeSoC2

The file FreeSoC2_Scope.docx describes changes to use the original project on the Sparkfun kit including a hardware adapter for demonstration purpose.

The GUI is a TCL program baesed on the Open Instrumentation Project created by Syscomp Electronic Design.