Infinidat / infi.instruct

declarative structure marshalling
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Instruct is a Python library for marshalling objects in a (more) declarative way, especially suited for packing/unpacking protocols such as networking, SCSI, etc.

It is based on ctypes view of defining a struct as a class, and on Construct's method of declaring var-sized fields.

Instruct provides two different philosophies on marshalling:

What makes Instruct different from ctypes?

What makes Instruct different from Construct?

Some of the things you gain by using Instruct:


Let's see how we declare an IPv4 packet with Instruct's Buffer. For this example we assume:

So here's the IPv4 packet representation:

from instruct.buffer import *

class IPv4Packet(Buffer):
    version                = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[0].bits[0:4], set_before_pack=4)
    internet_header_length = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[0].bits[4:8], set_before_pack=self._calc_header_length)
    dscp                   = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[1].bits[0:6])
    ecn                    = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[1].bits[6:8])
    total_length           = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[2:4],
                                          set_before_pack=lambda self: self.byte_offset_after('data'))
    identification         = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[4:6])
    flags                  = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[6].bits[0:3])
    fragment_offset        = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[6:7].bits[3:16])
    time_to_live           = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[8])
    protocol               = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[9])
    header_checksum        = be_int_field(where=bytes_ref[10:12])  # FIXME
    source_ip_address      = list_field(where=bytes_ref[12:16], n=4, type=uint8)
    destination_ip_address = list_field(where=bytes_ref[16:20], n=4, type=uint8)
    options                = list_field(where_when_pack=bytes_ref[20:],
                                        where_when_unpack=bytes_ref[20:20 + internet_header_length * ]


Struct is now deprecated and where possible should be migrated to using the new Buffer.

Checking out the code

Run the following:

easy_install -U infi.projector
projector devenv build

Python 3

Python 3 support is experimental at this stage. Most of the functions that expect a non-textual string in Python 2 must receive a parameter from the type bytes in Python 3.

Objects that could have been serialized in Python 2 by calling str(o) have to be serialized in Python 3 by calling their to_bytes method, as it's forbidden to return bytes from __str__ in Python 3.