Informasjonsforvaltning / organization-catalog

A service providing basic information related to the organizations that are publishers of content in the National Data Directory
Apache License 2.0
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Organization Catalog

Provides search and edit functionality for the current organization catalog in the National Data Catalog

Local development

Install java, git, maven, docker and docker-compose

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install default-jdk git maven docker-compose

Git for Windows -

Apache Maven -

Docker for Windows -

Steps only necessary for Linux

Configure Docker to start on Boot
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
Enable executing Docker and Maven without sudo
sudo adduser ${USER} docker
sudo adduser ${USER} mvn

Check that they have been added with "id -nG", force the update with a reboot or with "su - ${USER}"

Nice to have


Run locally in IDEA

Start local instances of SSO, MongoDB and enhetsregisteret-proxy-mock

% docker-compose up -d

-d enables "detached mode"

Login for

The image for auth-utils-java is downloaded from github, where you need to log in. First you need an access token from Github. Go to settings for your user in -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens where you generate a token with access to read packages. Then you run docker login and paste the access token when it prompts you for a password.

% docker login -u {USERNAME}

Run the application

mvn spring-boot:run

Get an admin jwt from auth-utils-java:

% curl localhost:8084/jwt/admin -o jwt.txt

Helpful commands

Populate organizations cache, just run get

curl localhost:8140/organizations/910244132 -H "accept:application/json"

Get all cached organizations

curl localhost:8140/organizations -H "accept:application/json"