Informasjonsforvaltning / static-rdf-server

Apache License 2.0
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Simple server that will serve ontologies in either html or RDF based on accept-header

The server supports all of the "standard" serializations of RDF:


To upload content to the server

Say you want to upload two files to your ontology of ontology-type "vocabulary".

% curl -i \
 -H "X-API-KEY: supersecretapikey" \
 -F "ontology-rdf-file=@tests/files/input/hello-world.ttl;type=text/turtle" \
 -F "ontology-html-file=@tests/files/input/hello-world-en.html;type=text/html;headers=\"content-language: en\"" \
 -X PUT http://localhost:8080/examples/hello-world

If the ontology exists, it will be updated. Otherwise it will be created.

In case you want to upload a more complex folder structure, you need to use the desired relative path of file as a parameter:

% curl -i \
 -H "X-API-KEY: supersecretapikey" \
 -F "specification-html-file=@tests/files/input/specifications/dcat-ap-no/index.html;type=text/html;headers=\"content-language: nb\"" \
 -F "specification-pdf-file=@tests/files/input/specifications/dcat-ap-no/files/dcat-ap-no.pdf;type=application/pdf;filename=files/dcat-ap-no.pdf;headers=\"content-language: nb\"" \
 -F "specification-eap-file=@tests/files/input/specifications/dcat-ap-no/files/DCAT-AP-NO2_20210903.eap;type=application/octet-stream;filename=files/DCAT-AP-NO2_20210903.eap;headers=\"content-language: nb\"" \
 -F "specification-logo-image=@tests/files/input/specifications/dcat-ap-no/images/digitaliseringsdirektoratet.png;type=image/png;filename=images/digitaliseringsdirektoratet.png" \
 -F "specification-model-image=@tests/files/input/specifications/dcat-ap-no/images/DCAT-AP-NO2_20210903.png;type=image/png;filename=images/DCAT-AP-NO2_20210903.png" \
 -X PUT http://localhost:8080/specifications/dcat-ap-no

To get content from the server

% curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" http://localhost:8080/examples/hello-world  # will return a hello-world RDF document, turtle format
% curl -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" http://localhost:8080/examples/hello-world  # will return a hello-world RDF document, xml format
% curl -H  http://localhost:8080/examples/hello-world  # will return a hello-world HTML document

To delete an ontology from the server

% curl -i -H "X-API-KEY: supersecretapikey" -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/examples/hello-world

To create a new type

% curl -H "X-API-KEY: supersecretapikey" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT --data '{"type":"specifications"}' http://localhost:8080/specifications

Location of ontology files

Ontolgies are grouped by types, e.g.

This directory on the server will be structured as follows:

├── ontology-type-1
│  ├── ontology-1
│  │   ├── files
│  │   |  ├── ontology-1.ttl
│  │   │  └── ontology-1.pdf
│  │   ├── images
│  │   |  └── image-1.png
│  │   ├── ontology-1-en.html 
│  │   ├── ontology-1-nb.html 
│  │   └── ontology-1-nn.html
│  ├── ontology_2
│  │   ├── files
│  │   |  ├── ontology-2.ttl
│  │   │  └── ontology-2.pdf
│  │   ├── images
│  │   |  └── image-2.png
│  │   ├── ontology-2-en.html 
│  │   ├── ontology-2-nb.html 
│  │   └── ontology-2-nn.html
│  └── index.html
├── ontology-type-2
│  ├── ontology_3
│  │   ├── files
│  │   |  ├── ontology-3.ttl
│  │   │  └── ontology-3.pdf
│  │   ├── images
│  │   |  └── image-3.png
│  │   ├── ontology-3-en.html 
│  │   ├── ontology-3-nb.html 
│  │   └── ontology-3-nn.html
│  ├── ontology_4
│  │   ├── files
│  │   |  ├── ontology-4.ttl
│  │   │  └── ontology-4.pdf
│  │   ├── images
│  │   |  └── image-4.png
│  │   ├── ontology-4-en.html 
│  │   ├── ontology-4-nb.html
│  │   └── ontology-4-nn.html
|  └── index.html
└── index.html

The static files to be served should be store under /srv/www/static-rdf-server/static.

Run locally


% pipx install nox
% pipx install poetry
% pipx inject nox nox-poetry

Install software

% git clone
% cd static-rdf-server
% pyenv install 3.10.7
% pyenv local 3.10.7
% poetry install

Environment variables

To run the service locally, you need to supply a set of environment variables. A simple way to solve this is to supply a .env file in the project root directory.

A minimal .env:


Start service

For all of the following scenarios, except in docker-compose, you will run without nginx. This will result in 404 on static files, but the API will work.

Run in development-mode

% poetry run adev runserver -p 8080 --aux-port 8089 static_rdf_server

Running the API in a wsgi-server (gunicorn)

% poetry run gunicorn static_rdf_server:create_app --bind localhost:8080 --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker

Running the wsgi-server in Docker

To build and run the api in a Docker container:

% docker build -t static-rdf-server:latest .
% docker run --env-file .env -p 8080:8080 -d static-rdf-server:latest

Running both the API and the static web server in docker-compose

The easiest way to run both services, would be with docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build


We use pytest for contract testing.

To run linters, checkers and tests:

% nox

To run specific test:

% nox -s integration_tests -- -k

To run tests with logging, do:

% nox -s integration_tests -- --log-cli-level=DEBUG

e2e tests

We use cypress for e2e tests. To run the tests, do:

% cd e2e
% npm install cypress --save-dev
% docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml up -d --build
% npx cypress run