Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-LDES-E2E-message-generator

Message generator used for end-to-end testing the LDES components created as part of the VSDS project.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Test Message Generator

This small tool helps to generate (test) messages based on a Mustache template. It can act as a simple replacement for message source systems and allows to send on regular time intervals some data, based on a template that gets altered before sending.


The generator can be run as a Docker container, after creating a Docker image for it. The Docker container will keep running until stopped.

To create a Docker image, run the following command:

docker build --tag vsds/test-message-generator .

To run the generator, you can use:

docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/tmp/data -e TEMPLATEFILE=/tmp/data/template.json vsds/test-message-generator

You can also pass the following arguments when running the container:

Alternatively, you can also pass the template as string instead of as file, use TEMPLATE.

Build the Generator

The generator is implemented as a Node.js application. You need to run the following commands to build it:

npm i
npm run build

Run the Generator

The generator works based on a template, defining the structure to use for each generated item. It can send the generated data to a target URL or simply send it to the console.

The generator takes the following command line arguments:

Note: for testing the target URL you can use a webhook service, e.g. using command line arguments --targetUrl= or using the TARGETURL file:

echo > ./TARGETURL
  • --mimeType=<mime-type> mime-type of message send to target URL, no default
  • --cron defines the time schedule, defaults to * * * * * * (every second)
  • --template='<content>' allows to provide the template on the command line, no default (if not provided, you MUST provide --templateFile)
  • --templateFile=<partial-or-full-pathname> allows to provide the template in a file, no default (if not provided, you MUST provide --template)
  • --range=<range> allows to create a range of values (1 to <range>) on every tick instead of an increasing index
  • --maxRetries=<number> allows to retry some (possibly retryable) HTTP status codes (429, 500 & 503) a maximum number of times
  • --retryTimeout=<ms> the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between retrying to send the message again

The template or template file should simply contain a message with mustache variables (between {{ and }}). E.g.:

    { "id": "my-id-{{index}}", "type": "Something", "modifiedAt": "{{timestamp}}" },
    { "id": "my-other-id-{{index}}", "type": "SomethingElse", "modifiedAt": "{{timestamp}}" }

Currently the only allowed variables are:

You can run the generator after building it, e.g.:

Using this template and with silent output to console:

node ./dist/index.js --templateFile ./data/template.json --silent

This results in something like the following:


By specifying the template (containing multiple objects) and mapping on the command file:

node ./dist/index.js --template '[{"id": "my-id-{{index}}", "type": "Something", "modifiedAt": "{{timestamp}}" },{ "id": "my-other-id-{{index}}", "type": "SomethingElse", "modifiedAt": "{{timestamp}}" }]' --silent

This results in something like:


Alternatively you can generate the output using a different time schedule (e.g. every 2 seconds) to a dummy HTTP server (including debugging to the console):

node ./dist/index.js --templateFile ./data/template.json --cron '*/2 * * * * *' --targetUrl --mimeType application/json

This results in:

Arguments:  {
  _: [],
  templateFile: './data/template.json',
  cron: '*/2 * * * * *',
  targetUrl: ''
Runs at:  */2 * * * * *
Sending to '': {"id":"my-id-1","type":"Something","modifiedAt":"2023-04-06T08:34:56.005Z"}
Response: OK
Next run at:  2023-04-06T10:34:58.000+02:00
Sending to '': {"id":"my-id-2","type":"Something","modifiedAt":"2023-04-06T08:34:58.003Z"}
Response: OK
Next run at:  2023-04-06T10:35:00.000+02:00