Ingenico-ePayments / connect-sdk-client-js

Ingenico Connect JavaScript Client SDK
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Ingenico Connect JavaScript SDK

This SDK has been rebranded to Worldline. As part of the rebranding the SDK has moved to


The JavaScript SDK helps you to communicate with the Ingenico Connect Client API. Its primary features are:

See the Ingenico ePayments Developer Hub for more information on how to use the SDK.


⚠ Please note that all examples have been moved to their own repository.

Structure of this repository

This repository consists out of one main component:

  1. The source code of the SDK itself: /src/

Building the repository

This repository uses gulp to build. Assuming you have npm and gulp installed, building is straightforward:

  1. If it exists, remove the dist folder.
  2. From the root of the project install all dependencies: npm install
  3. From the same location run gulp: npm run build
  4. The result of the build will have been written to the dist folder. This folder will contain the following files:
    • /dist/index.js - The result of compiling the TypeScript source code to AMD modules, as a single file
    • /dist/index.d.ts - TypeScript definitions for index.js
    • /dist/connectsdk.js - The compiled TypeScript AMD modules plus bundled encryption components and support for loading directly in the browser
    • /dist/connectsdk.min.js - The minified version of connectsdk.js
    • /dist/connectsdk.noEncrypt.js - The compiled TypeScript AMD modules plus support for loading directly in the browser, but without the encryption components
    • /dist/connectsdk.noEncrypt.min.js - The minified version of connectsdk.noEncrypt.js


From the folder where your package.json is located, run the following command to install the SDK:

npm i connect-sdk-client-js

Inside the node_modules folder, the SDK will contain a dist folder that contains the files created by building the repository (see above). From these files, you should use dist/index.js if your module loader or module bundler supports AMD. Otherwise, use dist/connectsdk.js, dist/connectsdk.noEncrypt.js or their minified versions.

⚠ When using a module loader or module bundler that supports AMD, the SDK has a dependency on node-forge, even if encryption is not needed. You need to provide a node-forge module if it is not yet available. This may return an empty object. For instance:

define('node-forge], [], function () {
  return {};

Or, to provide node-forge itself if it's only available as a global variable forge:

define('node-forge], [], function () {
  return forge;