Inn0 / my-mediaan

An internal helper tool for Mediaan employees.
MIT License
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MyMediaan Android App

"MyMediaan" is a helper tool for Mediaan employees.


This pet project was created by Daan Brocatus and Ivans Mihailovs. Their intention was to practice Android and Jetpack Compose.

Technologies used

  1. Android Studio - Integrated Development Environment
  2. Kotlin - Programming language
  3. Jetpack Compose - UI toolkit
  4. Firestore - NoSQL cloud database

Collaboration rules

  1. Branching strategy - Trunk-based workflow; create short-lived branches and regularly integrate them into main branch
  2. Branch naming convention - typeOfBranch/issueNumber-descriptiveBranchTitle (examples: feature/1-create-basic-navigation-panel, release/v0.1, bugfix/22-navigation-doesnt-work-in-landscape-mode)
  3. Design patterns - Model-View-ViewModel
  4. Development conventions - keep main ready-to-deploy at all times; use feature-flags for potentially breaking changes
  5. Conventional commits - keep a clear and concise commit history using the conventional commit format
  6. Testing strategy - meaningful unit tests for each feature and bugfix
  7. Merging policy - mandatory PR, build and unit tests are green, 1 approval; no force pushes
  8. Feature tracking - each feature/bug is registered as an issue in Github and added to project (Kanban board)
  9. Feature estimation - issues were estimated using "T-shirt sizing" technique
  10. Feature prioritisation - issues are prioritised based on trafic lights system; focus on mvp related features, highest priority & smallest in size are implemented first