InseeFrLab / legacy-onyxia-entrypoint

🔬 A data science oriented container launcher
MIT License
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datalab statistical-application

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🔬 A data science oriented container launcher 🔬

Our instance of Onyxia @ INSEE - Onyxia Web - Onyxia UI - Onyxia K8s API

🗣 v1 (of onyxia-web) have been released with a breaking change. Please checkout the migration guide

Onyxia is a web app that aims at being the glue between multiple open source backend technologies to provide a state of art working environnement for data scientists.
Onyxia is developed by the French National institute of statistics and economic studies (INSEE).

Core feature set:

Launching a container

S3 File explorer

Vault secret manager

For injecting secret environment variables in the containers.

Table of content


scree_myservices image screen_launcher my_secrets

Deploy onyxia on your infrastructure today 🚀

The simplest way to install Onyxia is to use Helm.

helm repo add inseefrlab
helm install onyxia inseefrlab/onyxia --set ingress.enabled=true --set ingress.hosts[0]

Browse to and enjoy :)

Note that this is only a bare installation of Onyxia with some major limitations (no authentication, deployed services won't be accessible ...). Read below for more configuration options.

Installation & configuration

See Installation


Onyxia is split into several modules :

Module Description Status
Onyxia WEB Web UI (React) :white_check_mark:
Onyxia API Kubernetes API (Java / Spring-boot) :white_check_mark:
Onyxia-UI Design system and React UI toolkit :white_check_mark:
Onyxia CLI Command line application (Go) :large_orange_diamond:

Services catalogs

Onyxia relies on catalogs to provide users with a selection of services they can install in one click.
You can either create your own repositories or use the default ones :

Repository Purpose Status
Helm charts datascience Datascience catalog using Helm (for Kubernetes) format :white_check_mark:

Docker images for services

InseeFRLab maintains various Docker images that extends standard images so that they work nicely inside the datalab.
You can browse them here : Repositories using docker-image tag on InseeFRLab


Onyxia integrates a cloudshell that is based on a WebSSH docker image.
The docker image used is codenamed Shelly and is available here : Shelly


Repository Purpose Status
Helm charts Collection of Helm charts including Onyxia's Helm chart :white_check_mark:
Simple default backend A simple loading webpage that gets displayed for services that are not yet ready :white_check_mark:

Infrastructure scripts

The cloud-scripts repository is a collection of scripts we used at some point at Insee. They are provided as is with minimal to no documentation and support. They are, currently at least, used as memo and not production grade code.
The repository is available here : cloud-scripts


Energy Data Hack

OpenLAB - Download slides

Article d'acteurs publics

Les Entrepreuneurs d'intérêt général - Découvrir le programme

Roadmap 🛣

The Onyxia project is actively developed. We are constantly working on new functionalities to meet our users needs at Insee. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to ask questions or share your ideas!

Recently released 🎁

Coming soon ☄️


Ideas 💡