Add S_r, rotation matrix, that steers the generalized riesz function.
Get a steerable matrix for the Riesz transform: Sr
from a rotation matrix R in the spatial domain,
and the order of the Riesz transform (T)
T f( R*x ) = T{S_r} f(x)
S_r is a MxM matrix, where M = p(N,d) is the number of
components of a riesz transform of order N and dimension d.
M := p(N,d) = \frac{(N+d-1)!}{(d-1)! N!}
Add S_r, rotation matrix, that steers the generalized riesz function.
Get a steerable matrix for the Riesz transform: Sr from a rotation matrix R in the spatial domain, and the order of the Riesz transform (T) T f( R*x ) = T{S_r} f(x)
S_r is a MxM matrix, where M = p(N,d) is the number of components of a riesz transform of order N and dimension d. M := p(N,d) = \frac{(N+d-1)!}{(d-1)! N!}
The rotation matrix is a dxd matrix.