InsightSoftwareConsortium / ITKVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter

Apache License 2.0
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itk mesh triangulation

This work was done by

Stephane U. Rigaud, Humayun Irshad, Bertrand Moreau and Alexandre Gouaillard

{ rigaud.stephane | humayun.irshad | agouaillard }

Do not hesitate to contact for any question or problems encountered.


This small tutorial supposed that you are working on a Unix | MacOs | Linux system

and already have CMake and Git installed on your computer.

You can find them respectively at

1 - ITK Installation

First, open a terminal console and go where you want to have ITK installed.

For example

mkdir GitRoot cd ~/GitRoot/

Download the latest version of our modified ITK from the github repositories

of the ComplexSystem team. This version contains the latest addition

on the itkQuadEdgeMesh structure that is needed to run our work. The easiest way is to

clone the git repository from github where you want to download the sources.

git clone

A new repository should appeared, called "ITK", that contains all the sources of ITK.

You need now to download the possible submodules that are still missing.

For that go in the ITK folder and update the submodule

cd ./ITK git submodule update --init

Once the sources and submodule are downloaded, you need to compile ITK.

This is totally similar to installing a standard version of ITK.

Use CMake and your favorite C++ Compiler.

In the ITK folder, create a build directory, and move in it.

mkdir Build cd ./Build

This directory will, in a close future, contain all the compiled library and executable.

You need now to generate a makefile that will allow you to compile ITK.

For that, CMake is our best friend. Still in the Build repository, run the command

ccmake on the CMakeLists.txt located in the ITK directory. In our case it should be

ccmake ..

A kind of graphic interface should appear in your terminal that displays a list of

variables and their status.

Toggle the "advance mode" by pressing the 't' key (a lot more variable will appear,

keep calm and go on) and set the following variable to ON.


This will assure you that your ITK installation will be totally valid.

However, be prepared to have some card game, coffee, and a good procrastination

website as the compilation will take a little bit of time

(intel i5 cpu + 4Gb memory = 2 hours of compilation)

If you have no fear, you can try to win some time by putting OFF the

BUILD_EXAMPLES and the BUILD_TESTING, but we do not advise it.


It is now time to configure by pressing the 'c' key and then, when the configuration

is done, to press the 'g' key to generate the makefile and leave CMake.


You should be back to your terminal. Still in the build repository, it is time to

compile everything. For that, type


And leave him be.


For more help on the matter (if you are using windows for example),

several tutorial can be found on ITK website

(Skip this step if you put the BUILD_EXAMPLES and BUILD_TESTING to OFF)

Once ITK is compiled, we should verify that all went well.

For that, still in the Build repository, run the command


This should run automatically a set of test to verify that all is working.

It may take a bit of time, but not that much.


Congratulation! You have successfully installed ITK.


2 - Delaunay Triangulation and Simplex Mesh project

Once ITK is running perfectly, go where you want to install the projects (here the GitRoot folder)

and download our sources from github.

cd ~/GitRoot git clone

Like previously, the itkVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter repository has been created.

Go in, and update possible submodules

cd ./itkVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter git submodule update --init

When is done, you should have in the directory

- PointInCircle folder

- WalkInTriangulation folder

- DelaunayTriangulation folder

- SimplexMesh folder

- Documentation folder

- CMakeLists.txt file

- README.txt file


Like for ITK, create a Build folder

mkdir ./Build cd ./Build

And again, use CMake on the CMakeLists.txt to configure

and compile the different projects.

ccmake ..

You should only need to modify the ITK_DIR variable and put the path to the ITK Build

In our case it should be

ITK_DIR ~/GitRoot/ITK/Build

Press 'c' and then 'g' key to configure and generate the makefile.

And compile


run the command


Again, all the tests should pass.

Congratulation! You have install our projects on your computer.

You should have, in the Build directory, three new directories

WalkInTriangulation, DelaunayTriangulation and SimplexMesh

That respectfully contain executable of the same name.

You can run them to have a quick example of their results.


An example on how to use each filter can be found in the source repository of

each project.

itkVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter/SimplexMesh/src/SimplexMesh.cxx itkVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter/DelaunayTriangulation/src/DelaunayTriangulation.cxx itkVoronoiQuadEdgeMeshFilter/WalkInTriangulation/src/WalkInTriangulation.cxx

More information on the different filters can be found

in their respective Insight Journal.

PointInCircle - WalkInTriangulation - Delaunay Triangulation - SimplexMesh - ToBePublished

Please, be aware that those project are, for some of them, still under progress.

Therefore you may encounter some bugs, if so, feel free to inform us about them.

Same if you have any questions about our work.