Instant-Visio / InstantVisio-WebApp

MIT License
10 stars 2 forks source link


Open source video conference app using Twilio and Daily, with SMS and Email.


Current API Version: v1

Currently in development and deployed for development propose only




nvm use # Use correct node version
npm i # Install dependencies
npm start # Run the app

Front Staging (use staging server)

nvm use # Use correct node version
npm i # Install dependencies
npm start:staging # Run the app

Start development server with Chrome

npm run start:chrome

Local Emulator

If you want to use Firebase Emulators (with watch/live-reload enabled) to run the app locally:

cd functions;
nvm use; npm run serve:watch

Running the front with one of the following commands will connect to the emulator:

npm start
npm run start:chrome
npm run:ios
npm run:android

Seed local database

Note: database is automatically seed when using emulators locally

To seed/populate the emulator database with test users and some basic firestore data, you can use a route on the API.

  1. Start the API using emulators: cd function && npm run serve:watch
  2. Open http://localhost:5050/instantvisio-dev/us-central1/api/api/v1-tests/seeds/ in your browser/postman/anything in GET
  3. Upon success seeding, test users are answered by the network request


cd functions
nvm use
npm i
npm run serve


  1. Considering platform is either android or ios, you can build the project with

    nvm use
    npm i
    npm run build:${PLATFORM} # ex: npm run build:ios

    This command will build the web app, synchronise native plugin & assets with the native platform and open the mobile platform default IDE. You can then build and run the app using your IDE.

  2. To only open the IDE you can use

    npm run open:${platform}
  3. To build the app with livereload feature (for development purposes):

    npm run run:${PLATFORM}



Code organization

- branch name: you can use `issueNumber_feature-desc` but you are free to choose what you need
- draft Pull Request for early on WIP codes (if needed)
- public the PR and submit it for the review
- review: add 2 or more reviewers, one of them being either [MattiaPrimavera]( or [HugoGresse]( At least one approve for the PR to be considered as accepted and ready to be merged. Review comments should be marked as resolved after change made if agreed to. If needed, re-request the review after change mades. Review submit should be `Request change` or `Approve`, only use `Comment` if this is just light discussion which are not important. 
- Pull Request are merged using `Squash & merge`
- Pull Request description: anything you think is necessary to understand the code scope, linked issue, etc. Add how to review notes if needed
- Responsability: the PR assignee is responsible for updating the branch, iterating on review and merging the branch