InstituteforDiseaseModeling / laser

Light Agent Spatial modeling for ERadication
MIT License
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Literature Review: MESA #2

Open clorton opened 5 months ago

clorton commented 5 months ago

"Create an agent based SEIR disease model with 1 million agents distributed unevenly across 25 nodes with an initial outbreak of 100 agents. β and mean incubation period are inputs to the model. Run for 1 simulated year and plot the aggregated SEIR curves for the total population and the SEIR curves for each node in a 5 by 5 grid of plots."

krosenfeld-IDM commented 5 months ago

The link appears broken @clorton

clorton commented 5 months ago


jonathanhhb commented 5 months ago

Self-assigned since I've already invested a couple of hours on this one.

jonathanhhb commented 4 months ago

"Its goal is to be the Python-based counterpart to NetLogo, Repast, or MASON."

jonathanhhb commented 4 months ago
I need an agent-based modeling framework that can run spatially and can run on GPU.

One powerful agent-based modeling (ABM) framework that supports spatial modeling and GPU acceleration is Mesa.