IntelRealSense / realsense-ros

ROS Wrapper for Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Cameras
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The best way to calculate Z (distance) from x,y position in ros #1574

Closed ranjitkathiriya closed 3 years ago

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I am using intel realsense d435i, and I have x,y,x+w, and y+h positions and I want to calculate distance based on this using python. Can you suggest the best approach for calculating this? I am using Ros-noetic and if possible can you provide sample links of code that can be helpful for the integration.

thanks and regards, Ranjit

MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

Hi @ranjitkathiriya On a case about converting 2D coordinates to 3D in ROS, a script in Python is provided (see the link below). Would this meet your needs please?

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago


Thanks for this link and I have tried the code from that link and I am getting this error.

---- 1. The code below is the ros version of this code right :

[ERROR] [1608207612.676933]: bad callback: <bound method Subscriber.callback of <message_filters.Subscriber object at 0x7f6656897e10>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/", line 750, in _invoke_callback cb(msg) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 76, in callback self.signalMessage(msg) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 58, in signalMessage cb((msg + args)) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 330, in add self.signalMessage(msgs) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 58, in signalMessage cb(*(msg + args)) File "/home/kuka-ai/catkin_ws/src/ai_milking_ros/scripts/", line 116, in callback self.function_box(img, im0s, self.half, self.model, self.view_img, self.names,cv_image_depth,camerainfo) File "/home/kuka-ai/catkin_ws/src/ai_milking_ros/scripts/", line 163, in function_box results = self.convert_depth_to_phys_coord_using_realsense(int((xyxy[0]+ xyxy[2])/2),int((xyxy[1]+ xyxy[3])/2), depth, camerainfo) File "/home/kuka-ai/catkin_ws/src/ai_milking_ros/scripts/", line 203, in convert_depth_to_phys_coord_using_realsense result = pyrealsense2.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(_intrinsics, [x, y], depth) TypeError: rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:

  1. (intrin: pyrealsense2.pyrealsense2.intrinsics, pixel: List[float[2]], depth: float) -> List[float[3]]

Invoked with: [ 640x480 p[316.961 246.175] f[611.322 611.844] Brown Conrady [0 0 0 0 0] ], [630, 404], array([[[255, 150, 0], [255, 155, 0], [255, 155, 0],

and my code is : results = self.convert_depth_to_phys_coord_using_realsense(int((xyxy[0]+ xyxy[2])/2),int((xyxy[1]+ xyxy[3])/2), depth, camerainfo)

def convert_depth_to_phys_coord_using_realsense(self,x, y, depth, cameraInfo):
      _intrinsics = pyrealsense2.intrinsics()
      _intrinsics.width = cameraInfo.width
      _intrinsics.height = cameraInfo.height
      _intrinsics.ppx = cameraInfo.K[2]
      _intrinsics.ppy = cameraInfo.K[5]
      _intrinsics.fx = cameraInfo.K[0]
      _intrinsics.fy = cameraInfo.K[4]
      #_intrinsics.model = cameraInfo.distortion_model
      # _intrinsics.model  = pyrealsense2.distortion.none
      if cameraInfo.distortion_model == 'plumb_bob':
          _intrinsics.model = pyrealsense2.distortion.brown_conrady
      elif cameraInfo.distortion_model == 'equidistant':
          _intrinsics.model = pyrealsense2.distortion.kannala_brandt4
      _intrinsics.coeffs = [i for i in cameraInfo.D]
      result = pyrealsense2.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(_intrinsics, [x, y], depth)
      #result[0]: right, result[1]: down, result[2]: forward
      return result[2], -result[0], -result[1]
MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

I don't have any insight about the errors in the above script unfortunately. I will refer it to the RealSense ROS wrapper developer @doronhi to seek his advice. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago
  1. The code below is the ros version of this code right :

I am right? because I am having only X,Y coordinate and I need Z as well.

MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

The script posted by @doronhi in is a modification of a script called, whilst the Jupyter script is distance_to_object.ipynb.

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago

Sorry! My question is by giving X and Y positions we can get the Z (Distance) in mm?

Am I correct or not?


MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

It is certainly possible to convert 2D XY coordinates to 3D XYZ, though I am more familiar with doing so in librealsense than with ROS. I wonder if it is going to be easier to just generate a pointcloud in ROS though and get Z from the pointcloud. Here is an example:

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago

Actually, I have tried with point cloud but I think I am not able to get the accurate distance.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import struct
import argparse
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot    as plt
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2
from sensor_msgs.msg        import PointCloud2
from ai_milking_ros.msg   import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxes
from geometry_msgs.msg      import Vector3

bbox    = BoundingBox()
pre_bbox= BoundingBox()
pc      = PointCloud2()
center  = Vector3()
point   = Vector3()
points  = []
depth   = 0.0

def bbox_callback(msg):
    num_box = len(msg.bounding_boxes)
    if num_box>0:
        b         = msg.bounding_boxes[0]
        bbox.xmin = b.xmin
        bbox.xmax = b.xmax
        bbox.ymin = b.ymin
        bbox.ymax = b.ymax

def point_callback(msg):
    global points
    global bbox
    global pre_bbox
    pc.header = msg.header
    pc.height = msg.height
    pc.width  = msg.width
    pc.fields = msg.fields      # channels and their layout
    pc.is_bigendian = msg.is_bigendian
    pc.point_step   = msg.point_step
    pc.row_step     = msg.row_step         =  #  Actual point data, size is (row_step*height)
    resolution = (pc.height, pc.width)

    if bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        points = [  ]
        for p in pc2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=False, field_names=("x", "y", "z")):
        if len(points) == pc.width*pc.height:
            z_points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float32)
            z = z_points.reshape(resolution)

            if not (bbox.xmin==0 and bbox.xmax==0):
                print('Box: {}, {}'.format(bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax))
                z_box = z[bbox.xmin:bbox.xmax, bbox.ymin:bbox.ymax]
                z_value = z_box[~np.isnan(z_box)]

                distance = min(z_value)
                print('Distance: {}'.format(distance))

        pre_bbox.xmin = bbox.xmin
        pre_bbox.xmax = bbox.xmax
        pre_bbox.ymin = bbox.ymin
        pre_bbox.ymax = bbox.ymax

def main(args):
    rospy.init_node('ObjectDepth', anonymous=True)

    point_sub   = rospy.Subscriber('camera/depth_registered/points', PointCloud2, point_callback)
    bbox_sub    = rospy.Subscriber('darknet_ros/bounding_boxes', BoundingBoxes, bbox_callback)

    freq = 10
    rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Output Depth of an Target Object')
    args = parser.parse_args()
MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

I continued researching possible solutions to getting Z. Using a point cloud remained the most suitable option in my opinion though. Like in this case:

MartyG-RealSense commented 3 years ago

Hi @ranjitkathiriya Do you have an update that you can provide about this case please? Thanks!

ranjitkathiriya commented 3 years ago

Thanks for help

ravijo commented 3 years ago

Although this issue is old, however, I am posting my comment here. Just in case, it could be helpful for someone. Please read below:

Given a pixel location (x, y) and its corresponding depth (z), the 3D coordinate in camera space, can be calculated by using camera intrinsic parameters. Luckily, these parameters are provided by the IntelRealSense camera and hence we can directly plug these values to get the 3D point.

Please see the code here.

RodrigoFBernardo commented 2 years ago

Actually, I have tried with point cloud but I think I am not able to get the accurate distance.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import struct
import argparse
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot    as plt
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2
from sensor_msgs.msg        import PointCloud2
from ai_milking_ros.msg   import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxes
from geometry_msgs.msg      import Vector3

bbox    = BoundingBox()
pre_bbox= BoundingBox()
pc      = PointCloud2()
center  = Vector3()
point   = Vector3()
points  = []
depth   = 0.0

def bbox_callback(msg):
    num_box = len(msg.bounding_boxes)
    if num_box>0:
        b         = msg.bounding_boxes[0]
        bbox.xmin = b.xmin
        bbox.xmax = b.xmax
        bbox.ymin = b.ymin
        bbox.ymax = b.ymax

def point_callback(msg):
    global points
    global bbox
    global pre_bbox
    pc.header = msg.header
    pc.height = msg.height
    pc.width  = msg.width
    pc.fields = msg.fields      # channels and their layout
    pc.is_bigendian = msg.is_bigendian
    pc.point_step   = msg.point_step
    pc.row_step     = msg.row_step         =  #  Actual point data, size is (row_step*height)
    resolution = (pc.height, pc.width)

    if bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        bbox.xmin==pre_bbox.xmin and \
        points = [  ]
        for p in pc2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=False, field_names=("x", "y", "z")):
        if len(points) == pc.width*pc.height:
            z_points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float32)
            z = z_points.reshape(resolution)

            if not (bbox.xmin==0 and bbox.xmax==0):
                print('Box: {}, {}'.format(bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax))
                z_box = z[bbox.xmin:bbox.xmax, bbox.ymin:bbox.ymax]
                z_value = z_box[~np.isnan(z_box)]

                distance = min(z_value)
                print('Distance: {}'.format(distance))

        pre_bbox.xmin = bbox.xmin
        pre_bbox.xmax = bbox.xmax
        pre_bbox.ymin = bbox.ymin
        pre_bbox.ymax = bbox.ymax

def main(args):
    rospy.init_node('ObjectDepth', anonymous=True)

    point_sub   = rospy.Subscriber('camera/depth_registered/points', PointCloud2, point_callback)
    bbox_sub    = rospy.Subscriber('darknet_ros/bounding_boxes', BoundingBoxes, bbox_callback)

    freq = 10
    rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Output Depth of an Target Object')
    args = parser.parse_args()

I am trying to adapt this example, but I want to calculate the z value based on the image taken by the /camera/color/image/raw topic.

What I am doing is: I calculate the centroid of my point of interest and convert it to a 3D point but the z value is not correct. Do I need to calculate the centroid from the image coming from the topic '/camera/depth/image_rect_raw' ?

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 years ago

Hi @RodrigoCodeBernardo As you are using darknet_ros, it may be worth investigating whether creating a 3D bounding box with darknet_ros_3d can meet your needs if you have not looked at it already. There are versions for ROS1 and ROS2.

ROS1 Melodic

ROS1 Noetic

ROS2 Eloquent

RodrigoFBernardo commented 2 years ago

Hi @MartyG-RealSense.

It might be a good solution. I'll explore.

Thanks for your help

ranjitkathiriya commented 2 years ago

You can also have a look at this post.