IntelRealSense / realsense-ros

ROS Wrapper for Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Cameras
Apache License 2.0
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Intel® RealSense™

ROS Wrapper for Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Cameras
Latest release notes

rolling iron humble foxy ubuntu22 ubuntu20

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Table of contents

ROS1 and ROS2 Legacy

ROS1 Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras ROS1 Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras is not supported anymore, since our developers team are focusing on ROS2 distro.
For ROS1 wrapper, go to ros1-legacy branch
Moving from ros2-legacy to ros2-development * Changed Parameters: - **"stereo_module"**, **"l500_depth_sensor"** are replaced by **"depth_module"** - For video streams: **\.profile** replaces **\_width**, **\_height**, **\_fps** - **ROS2-legacy (Old)**: - ros2 launch realsense2_camera depth_width:=640 depth_height:=480 depth_fps:=30.0 infra1_width:=640 infra1_height:=480 infra1_fps:=30.0 - **ROS2-development (New)**: - ros2 launch realsense2_camera depth_module.profile:=640x480x30 - Removed paramets **\_frame_id**, **\_optical_frame_id**. frame_ids are now defined by camera_name - **"filters"** is removed. All filters (or post-processing blocks) are enabled/disabled using **"\.enable"** - **"align_depth"** is now a regular processing block and as such the parameter for enabling it is replaced with **"align_depth.enable"** - **"allow_no_texture_points"**, **"ordered_pc"** are now belong to the pointcloud filter and as such are replaced by **"pointcloud.allow_no_texture_points"**, **"pointcloud.ordered_pc"** - **"pointcloud_texture_stream"**, **"pointcloud_texture_index"** belong now to the pointcloud filter and were renamed to match their librealsense' names: **"pointcloud.stream_filter"**, **"pointcloud.stream_index_filter"** - Allow enable/disable of sensors in runtime (parameters **\.enable**) - Allow enable/disable of filters in runtime (parameters **\.enable**) - **unite_imu_method** parameter is now changeable in runtime. - **enable_sync** parameter is now changeable in runtime.

Installation on Ubuntu

Step 1: Install the ROS2 distribution - #### Ubuntu 22.04: - [ROS2 Iron]( - [ROS2 Humble]( #### Ubuntu 20.04 - [ROS2 Foxy](
Step 2: Install latest Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 **Please choose only one option from the 3 options below (in order to prevent multiple versions installation and workspace conflicts)** - #### Option 1: Install librealsense2 debian package from Intel servers - Jetson users - use the [Jetson Installation Guide]( - Otherwise, install from [Linux Debian Installation Guide]( - In this case treat yourself as a developer: make sure to follow the instructions to also install librealsense2-dev and librealsense2-dkms packages - #### Option 2: Install librealsense2 (without graphical tools and examples) debian package from ROS servers (Foxy EOL distro is not supported by this option): - [Configure]( your Ubuntu repositories - Install all realsense ROS packages by ```sudo apt install ros--librealsense2*``` - For example, for Humble distro: ```sudo apt install ros-humble-librealsense2*``` - #### Option 3: Build from source - Download the latest [Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0]( - Follow the instructions under [Linux Installation](
Step 3: Install ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras #### Option 1: Install debian package from ROS servers (Foxy EOL distro is not supported by this option): - [Configure]( your Ubuntu repositories - Install all realsense ROS packages by ```sudo apt install ros--realsense2-*``` - For example, for Humble distro: ```sudo apt install ros-humble-realsense2-*``` #### Option 2: Install from source - Create a ROS2 workspace ```bash mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ ``` - Clone the latest ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras from [here]( into '~/ros2_ws/src/' ```bashrc git clone -b ros2-development cd ~/ros2_ws ``` - Install dependencies ```bash sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep -y sudo rosdep init # "sudo rosdep init --include-eol-distros" for Foxy and earlier rosdep update # "sudo rosdep update --include-eol-distros" for Foxy and earlier rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO --skip-keys=librealsense2 -y ``` - Build ```bash colcon build ``` - Source environment ```bash ROS_DISTRO= # set your ROS_DISTRO: iron, humble, foxy source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash cd ~/ros2_ws . install/local_setup.bash ```

Installation on Windows

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras is not meant to be supported on Windows by our team, since ROS2 and its packages are still not fully supported over Windows. We added these installation steps below in order to try and make it easier for users who already started working with ROS2 on Windows and want to take advantage of the capabilities of our RealSense cameras

Step 1: Install the ROS2 distribution - #### Windows 10/11 **Please choose only one option from the two options below (in order to prevent multiple versions installation and workspace conflicts)** - Manual install from ROS2 formal documentation: - [ROS2 Iron]( - [ROS2 Humble]( - [ROS2 Foxy]( - Microsoft IOT binary installation: - - Pay attention that the examples of install are for Foxy distro (which is not supported anymore by ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras) - Please replace the word "Foxy" with Humble or Iron, depends on the chosen distro.
Step 2: Download RealSense™ ROS2 Wrapper and RealSense™ SDK 2.0 source code from github: - Download ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras source code from [ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras releases]( - Download the corrosponding supported Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 source code from the **"Supported RealSense SDK" section** of the specific release you chose fronm the link above - Place the librealsense folder inside the realsense-ros folder, to make the librealsense package set beside realsense2_camera, realsense2_camera_msgs and realsense2_description packages
Step 3: Build 1. Before starting building of our packages, make sure you have OpenCV for Windows installed on your machine. If you choose the Microsoft IOT way to install it, it will be installed automatically. Later, when colcon build, you might need to expose this installation folder by setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, PATH, or OpenCV_DIR environment variables 2. Run "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" as administrator 3. Setup ROS2 Environment (Do this for every new terminal/cmd you open): - If you choose the Microsoft IOT Binary option for installation ``` > C:\opt\ros\humble\x64\setup.bat ``` - If you choose the ROS2 formal documentation: ``` > call C:\dev\ros2_iron\local_setup.bat ``` 4. Change directory to realsense-ros folder ```bash > cd C:\ros2_ws\realsense-ros ``` 5. Build librealsense2 package only ```bash > colcon build --packages-select librealsense2 --cmake-args -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DBUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT=OFF -DBUILD_GRAPHICAL_EXAMPLES=OFF ``` - User can add `--event-handlers console_direct+` parameter to see more debug outputs of the colcon build 6. Build the other packages ```bash > colcon build --packages-select realsense2_camera_msgs realsense2_description realsense2_camera ``` - User can add `--event-handlers console_direct+` parameter to see more debug outputs of the colcon build 7. Setup environment with new installed packages (Do this for every new terminal/cmd you open): ```bash > call install\setup.bat ```


Start the camera node

with ros2 run:

ros2 run realsense2_camera realsense2_camera_node
# or, with parameters, for example - temporal and spatial filters are enabled:
ros2 run realsense2_camera realsense2_camera_node --ros-args -p enable_color:=false -p spatial_filter.enable:=true -p temporal_filter.enable:=true

with ros2 launch:

ros2 launch realsense2_camera
ros2 launch realsense2_camera depth_module.depth_profile:=1280x720x30 pointcloud.enable:=true

Camera Name And Camera Namespace

User can set the camera name and camera namespace, to distinguish between cameras and platforms, which helps identifying the right nodes and topics to work with.


Default behavior if non of these parameters are given:

> ros2 node list

> ros2 topic list

> ros2 service list


Available Parameters:

Parameters that can be modified during runtime:

Parameters that cannot be changed in runtime:

ROS2(Robot) vs Optical(Camera) Coordination Systems:


TF from coordinate A to coordinate B:

Extrinsics from sensor A to sensor B:


administrator@perclnx466 ~/ros2_humble $ ros2 topic echo /camera/camera/extrinsics/depth_to_color
- 0.9999583959579468
- 0.008895332925021648
- -0.0020127370953559875
- -0.008895229548215866
- 0.9999604225158691
- 6.045500049367547e-05
- 0.0020131953060626984
- -4.254872692399658e-05
- 0.9999979734420776
- 0.01485931035131216
- 0.0010161789832636714
- 0.0005317096947692335

Published Topics

The published topics differ according to the device and parameters. After running the above command with D435i attached, the following list of topics will be available (This is a partial list. For full one type ros2 topic list):

This will stream relevant camera sensors and publish on the appropriate ROS topics.

Enabling accel and gyro is achieved either by adding the following parameters to the command line:
ros2 launch realsense2_camera pointcloud.enable:=true enable_gyro:=true enable_accel:=true
or in runtime using the following commands:

ros2 param set /camera/camera enable_accel true
ros2 param set /camera/camera enable_gyro true

Enabling stream adds matching topics. For instance, enabling the gyro and accel streams adds the following topics:

RGBD Topic

RGBD new topic, publishing [RGB + Depth] in the same message (see RGBD.msg for reference). For now, works only with depth aligned to color images, as color and depth images are synchronized by frame time tag.

These boolean paramters should be true to enable rgbd messages:

The current QoS of the topic itself, is the same as Depth and Color streams (SYSTEM_DEFAULT)


ros2 launch realsense2_camera enable_rgbd:=true enable_sync:=true align_depth.enable:=true enable_color:=true enable_depth:=true 

Metadata topic

The metadata messages store the camera's available metadata in a json format. To learn more, a dedicated script for echoing a metadata topic in runtime is attached. For instance, use the following command to echo the camera/depth/metadata topic:

python3 src/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera/scripts/ /camera/camera/depth/metadata

Post-Processing Filters

The following post processing filters are available:

Each of the above filters have it's own parameters, following the naming convention of <filter_name>.<parameter_name> including a <filter_name>.enable parameter to enable/disable it.

Available services


calib_config_read (for specific camera modules):

calib_config_write (for specific camera modules):

Available actions


Efficient intra-process communication:

Our ROS2 Wrapper node supports zero-copy communications if loaded in the same process as a subscriber node. This can reduce copy times on image/pointcloud topics, especially with big frame resolutions and high FPS.

You will need to launch a component container and launch our node as a component together with other component nodes. Further details on "Composing multiple nodes in a single process" can be found here.

Further details on efficient intra-process communication can be found here.


Manually loading multiple components into the same process


Latency test tool and launch file

For getting a sense of the latency reduction, a frame latency reporter tool is available via a launch file. The launch file loads the wrapper and a frame latency reporter tool component into a single container (so the same process). The tool prints out the frame latency (now - frame.timestamp) per frame.

The tool is not built unless asked for. Turn on BUILD_TOOLS during build to have it available:

colcon build --cmake-args '-DBUILD_TOOLS=ON'

The launch file accepts a parameter, intra_process_comms, controlling whether zero-copy is turned on or not. Default is on:

ros2 launch realsense2_camera intra_process_comms:=true