Closed HripsimeS closed 2 years ago
Hi @leelening If you are using WSL with RealSense then it has to be WSL2 so that it is able to access USB devices such as a RealSense camera.
Getting RealSense working with WSL2 can be so difficult though (involving installing various missing components manually) that it is far easier and less time consuming just to use a dedicated Ubuntu computer instead of a Windows one with WSL.
It seems that I am already using WSL 2
@leelening I see that you are using Windows 10. There was a WSL2 user at who was able to get RealSense working with WSL2 on Windows 11 by "completely unplugging and replugging the camera and also restarting WSL" but was not able to get it to work on Windows 10.
Windows 11 and WSL 2, neotic works.
That's great to hear, @leelening :)
Hello @doronhi
I use Intel® RealSense™ LiDAR Camera L515, installed ROS Noetic for Ubuntu, all python and ROS python dependencies. Then installed realsense2_camera with the following command sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-realsense2-camera
I used the command below to launch the camera but received an error saying failed to load nodelet (please find in attached) roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
Can you please let me know how to fix this error, thanks in advance for your help!