Open justdomyself opened 6 days ago
Bellow is my source code,
static int lv_rgb_camare_uvc_init(LV_RGB_STREAM_T *lv_rgb_stream_p) {
uvc_error_t res; // 初始化 libuvc res = uvc_init(&ctx, NULL); if (res < 0) { lv_error("uvc_init error, uvc_error_t res = %d!\r\n", res); return -1; } //查找RGB摄像头 res = uvc_find_device(ctx, &dev, 0x1bcf, 0x2cd1, NULL); if (res < 0) { lv_error("uvc_find_device error: %s\r\n", uvc_strerror(res)); uvc_exit(ctx); return -1; } // 打开设备 res = uvc_open(dev, &devRgb); if (res < 0) { lv_error("uvc_open error: : %s\r\n", uvc_strerror(res)); uvc_unref_device(dev); uvc_exit(ctx); return -1; } uvc_print_diag(devRgb, stderr); const uvc_format_desc_t *format_desc = uvc_get_format_descs(devRgb); const uvc_frame_desc_t *frame_desc = format_desc->frame_descs; enum uvc_frame_format frame_format; int width = 640; int height = 480; int fps = 10; switch (format_desc->bDescriptorSubtype) { case UVC_VS_FORMAT_MJPEG: frame_format = UVC_COLOR_FORMAT_MJPEG; break; case UVC_VS_FORMAT_FRAME_BASED: frame_format = UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_H264; break; default: frame_format = UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_YUYV; break; } if (frame_desc) { width = frame_desc->wWidth; height = frame_desc->wHeight; fps = 10000000 / frame_desc->dwDefaultFrameInterval; } printf("\nFirst format: (%4s) %dx%d %dfps\n", format_desc->fourccFormat, width, height, fps); uint8_t mode = 1;// UVC_AUTO_EXPOSURE_MODE_AUTO; uvc_error_t err = uvc_set_ae_mode(devRgb, mode); lv_info("uvc_error_t err %d\r\n", (int)err); int start_fps = g_rgb_frame_rate; int start_width = 1600; int start_height = 1200; // 开启数据采集 res = uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size(devRgb, &ctrl, UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_MJPEG, start_width, start_height, start_fps); lv_init_rgb_memory(); // 开始流 res = uvc_start_streaming(devRgb, &ctrl, lv_rgb_camera_callback, (void *)12345, 0);//(void *)12345 if (res < 0) { lv_error( "uvc_start_streaming error: %s\r\n", uvc_strerror(res) ); uvc_close(devRgb); uvc_unref_device(dev); uvc_exit(ctx); return -1; } return 0;
Hi @justdomyself Does the error still occur if you use start_width = 1280, start_height = 720 and start_fps = 15
Bellow is my source code,
static int lv_rgb_camare_uvc_init(LV_RGB_STREAM_T *lv_rgb_stream_p) {