[REQUIRED] FastAsyncWorldEdit Version Number:
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO FastAsyncWorldEdit-235 created by Empire92
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO FAWE version:
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Date May 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Commit fa41ee3b
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Build 235
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Platform Bukkit
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO Wiki: https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit-1.13/wiki
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO ------------------ Platforms ------------------
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO * Bukkit-Official(1.15-235;5be11c5)
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO ---------------- Capabilities ----------------
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO GAME_HOOKS: Bukkit-Official
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO CONFIGURATION: Bukkit-Official
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO USER_COMMANDS: Bukkit-Official
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO PERMISSIONS: Bukkit-Official
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO WORLDEDIT_CUI: Bukkit-Official
17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO WORLD_EDITING: Bukkit-Official
[REQUIRED] Spigot/Paper Version Number:
17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO This server is running Paper version git-Paper-284 (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO Previous version: git-Paper-283 (MC: 1.15.2)
17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO You are 14 version(s) behind
[REQUIRED] Description of the problem:
My players have all of FAWEs permissions and world edit permissions, but they cannot tab-complete any materials into the commands. OP players can tab complete all of the materials fine, but non-OP players cannot even though they have full fawe permissions and worldedit permissions.
How to replicate:
Give a player all FAWE permissions by setting fawe. to true and worldedit. to true also.
Plugins being used on the server:
17.05 15:51:13 [Server] INFO Plugins (23): BiomeFinder, BlocksHub, CoreProtect, Elevators_v2, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, FastAsyncWorldEdit, HealthTools, InventoryRollback, KeepChunks, LuckPerms, PlayerListPlus, ProtocolLib, ServerRestorer, SuperVanish, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
[X] I included all information required in the sections above
[X] I made sure there are no duplicates of this report (Use Search)
Bug report for FastAsyncWorldEdit 1.15.2
[REQUIRED] FastAsyncWorldEdit Configuration Files: https://athion.net/ISPaster/paste/view/70b5b2e2fff943109f502c739090e01d
[REQUIRED] FastAsyncWorldEdit Version Number: 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO FastAsyncWorldEdit-235 created by Empire92 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO FAWE version: 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Date May 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Commit fa41ee3b 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Build 235 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO - Platform Bukkit 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO Wiki: https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit-1.13/wiki 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO ------------------ Platforms ------------------ 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO * Bukkit-Official(1.15-235;5be11c5) 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO ---------------- Capabilities ---------------- 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO GAME_HOOKS: Bukkit-Official 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO CONFIGURATION: Bukkit-Official 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO USER_COMMANDS: Bukkit-Official 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO PERMISSIONS: Bukkit-Official 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO WORLDEDIT_CUI: Bukkit-Official 17.05 15:48:24 [Server] INFO WORLD_EDITING: Bukkit-Official
[REQUIRED] Spigot/Paper Version Number: 17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO This server is running Paper version git-Paper-284 (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) 17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO Previous version: git-Paper-283 (MC: 1.15.2) 17.05 15:49:00 [Server] INFO You are 14 version(s) behind
[REQUIRED] Description of the problem: My players have all of FAWEs permissions and world edit permissions, but they cannot tab-complete any materials into the commands. OP players can tab complete all of the materials fine, but non-OP players cannot even though they have full fawe permissions and worldedit permissions.
How to replicate: Give a player all FAWE permissions by setting fawe. to true and worldedit. to true also.
Plugins being used on the server: 17.05 15:51:13 [Server] INFO Plugins (23): BiomeFinder, BlocksHub, CoreProtect, Elevators_v2, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, FastAsyncWorldEdit, HealthTools, InventoryRollback, KeepChunks, LuckPerms, PlayerListPlus, ProtocolLib, ServerRestorer, SuperVanish, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags