Dimuthu - ALL end users can view sub-set of plans in the data base updated by Global Admin’s experiment results using “Generate New Plan.”
codexpotech and Dimuthu - After end-user goes through visualization steps in Generate New Plans, she/he can save them, and they will appear in her/his dashboard under “Saved Plans”
codexpotech - Saved plans should allow users to select a small set of plans and visualize them for comparison purposes. Is there a way to also do comparative analysis of these plans instead of seeing them one by one in Step 4 and 5?
Dimuthu - ALL end users can view sub-set of plans in the data base updated by Global Admin’s experiment results using “Generate New Plan.”
codexpotech and Dimuthu - After end-user goes through visualization steps in Generate New Plans, she/he can save them, and they will appear in her/his dashboard under “Saved Plans”
codexpotech - Saved plans should allow users to select a small set of plans and visualize them for comparison purposes. Is there a way to also do comparative analysis of these plans instead of seeing them one by one in Step 4 and 5?