InterACTWEL / interactactwel-django-app

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Getting Started

  1. setup the airavata-django-portal locally. See

    Then, activate the virtual environment for the airavata-django-portal:

    cd ../airavata-django-portal
    source venv/bin/activate
  2. In order to replicate some data for interactwel, there's a dataset provided on this repository You need to add or replace the db.sqlite3 in the directory airavata-django-portal with db.sqlite3 provided in the data directory.

  3. Change to the directory of this project and install this project as a python package in the airavata-django-portal's virtual environment:

    cd ../interactactwel-django-app/
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .

    Note: python develop also builds the Vue JS app.

  4. Go back to the airavata-django-portal and start the server

    cd ../airavata-django-portal
    python migrate
    python runserver
  5. Browse http://localhost:8000/ and login to the portal.

  6. Browse the db.sqlite3 in airavata-django-portal through a sqlite database browser and change the username, firstname, lastname, and email columns in interactwel_user table. So, that the interactwel data would be linked to your login.

  7. The InterACTWEL Dashboard will be available at http://localhost:8000/interactwel/ with data.

Run Vue js app in development mode

Go to interactwel/ directory

Run npm run serve to locally run the vue app

Build Vue js app for production use

Run npm run build

Older instructions

To start the Django app

Go to interactwel directory

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver

Wagtail CMS

After running above commands, to create a superuser run,

./ createsuperuser

Browse the admin panel using


Browse the web site using



Rest API is exposed in http://localhost:8000/api


Subbasin: http://localhost:8000/api/subbasins

Get All

GET http://localhost:8000/api/subbasins/

Get one

GET http://localhost:8000/api/subbasins/1


POST http://localhost:8000/api/subbasins/

    "detail_json": <JSON COntent>