InterDigitalInc / DeepFilmGrain

Official implementation for paper : Deep-based film grain removal and synthesis
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Deep-based film grain removal and synthesis

Zoubida Ameur, Wassim Hamidouche, Edouard François, Milos Radosavljevic, Daniel Ménard and Claire-Hélène Demarty


In this paper, deep learning-based techniques for film grain removal and synthesis that can be applied in video coding are proposed. Film grain is inherent in analog film content because of the physical process of capturing images and video on film. It can also be present in digital content where it is purposely added to reflect the era of analog film and to evoke certain emotions in the viewer or enhance the perceived quality. In the context of video coding, the random nature of film grain makes it both difficult to preserve and very expensive to compress. To better preserve it while compressing the content efficiently, film grain is removed and modeled before video encoding and then restored after video decoding. In this paper, a film grain removal model based on an encoder-decoder architecture and a film grain synthesis model based on a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) are proposed. Both models are trained on a large dataset of pairs of clean (grain-free) and grainy images. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the developed solutions were conducted and showed that the proposed film grain removal model is effective in filtering film grain at different intensity levels using two configurations: 1) a non-blind configuration where the film grain level of the grainy input is known and provided as input, 2) a blind configuration where the film grain level is unknown. As for the film grain synthesis task, the experimental results show that the proposed model is able to reproduce realistic film grain with a controllable intensity level specified as input.

Network architecture

Structure of the repository

File config.json contains the following training parameters:

"epochs" : 5,
"batch_size" : 1,
"input_dim" : 256,
"learning_rate_alpha_gen" : 3e-4,
"learning_rate_alpha_dis" : 1e-4,
"learning_rate_beta_gen" : 0.5,
"levels" : [0.01,0.025,0.05,0.075,0.1]

Structure of the associated FilmGrain dataset

In this paper, we also provide a FilmGrain dataset that is available at the address:

The structure of the dataset is the following:

    ├── org             
    └── fg             
        ├── 01     
        ├── 025              
        ├── 05         
        ├── 075          
        └── 1     

Subfolder org contains original images without film grain. Subfolder fg contains images with grain.

1. Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone
cd DeepFilmGrain/

Create and activate a conda environment with required packages:

conda env create --name example-environment --file environment.yml
conda activate example-environment

2.Finding a free gpu node

When running on gpu, you'll have to explicitly name the node on which you want to launch your command. To see free nodes, under linux, type:



On a test dataset

To test on one folder of test images, run the following (assuming gpu node#2 is free):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 src/ --pretrained_model path/to/pretrained/model/model.h5 --level 0.01 --input_path path/to/input/folder/ --output_path path/to/output/folder/
Option Description
--pretrained_model path to pretrained model
--level film grain levels {0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1}
--input_path path to input folder
--output_path path to output folder

When testing on the FilmGrain dataset:

On one test image with different film grain patterns

To test on a single image, run the following (same options as above and assuming gpu node#2 is free):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 src/ --pretrained_model path/to/pretrained/model/model.h5 --level 0.1 --input_path path/to/input/image --output_path path/to/output/folder/

4. Training


An example command is (assuming gpu node#2 is free):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 src/ --path path/to/dataset/ --task removal_case_1
Option Description Usage
--path path of the custom dataset Path to the dataset to be used for training
--task task you want to learn Task and case of the ablation study, described below.

The different configurations considered in the ablation study are the following:

Tasks Inputs Backbone Loss functions
removal_case_1 grainy image U-Net l1
removal_case_2 grainy image U-Net + residual blocks l1
removal_case_3 grainy image U-Net + residual blocks l1 + MS-SSIM
removal_case_4 grainy image U-Net + residual blocks l1 + MS-SSIM
synthesis_case_1 clean image U-Net l1
synthesis_case_2 clean image U-Net + residual blocks l1
synthesis_case_3 clean image U-Net + residual blocks + PatchGAN l1 + adv loss

PS : synthesis_case_3_gray, removal_case_3_gray, removal_case_4_gray are the grayscale versions.

Train on the FilmGrain dataset

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 src/ --path path/to/FilmGrain/dataset/ --task synthesis_case_1

Train on your dataset

If you want to train on your own dataset, use the option –-path to set the dataset path and set the folder tree as follows:

    ├── org             
    ├── fg             
    │   ├── level1     
    │   ├── level2              
    │   ├── ...         
    │   ├── ...          
    └── └── leveln                   

level1, level2, ..., leveln are the different film grain intensity levels.


  title={Deep-based Film Grain Removal and Synthesis},
  author={Ameur, Zoubida and Hamidouche, Wassim and Fran{\c{c}}ois, Edouard and Radosavljevi{\'c}, Milo{\v{s}} and M{\'e}nard, Daniel and Demarty, Claire-H{\'e}l{\`e}ne},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.07411},


Copyright © 2022, InterDigital R&D France. All rights reserved. This source code is made available under the license found in the license.txt in the root directory of this source tree.