International-Data-Spaces-Association / IM-Application-Profiles

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Application Profiles for the IDS Information Model

We evaluated the state-of-the-art of the IDS InformationModel. More specifically, we looked at the models and the mappings to their validations (SHACL files). We provide a live-demo at

We summarise the findings as follows:

Moreover, we provide an example of a resource (a Connector Endpoint) and the corresponding validation in examples-SHACL-validations

What is an Application Profile?

The term application profile is defined as "a set of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines defined for a particular application" cf. Dublic Core Glossary. In practice, an application profile covers the following aspects:

There does exist a strict standard how to document application profiles, but it is highly recommended to apply a machine-readable and expressive specification language, such as SHACL.

Illustrative Examples in IDS

In the following the concepts of an application profile are illustrated in a non-normative way on a selection of Information Model properties.

Property URI Type Range Card. Vocabulary
Title dct:title mandatory xsd:string 1..n -
Standard Licence ids:standardLicense optional spdx:ListedLicense 0..1 SPDX License List
Publisher dct:publisher optional foaf:Agent 0..n -

Range Details

Class URI Mandatory Prop. Recommended Prop.
Agent foaf:Agent foaf:name

Application Profiles

The following specifications and established application profiles constitute the foundation of the IDS-AP.


The W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) is a well-established vocabulary for describing data catalogs. The overall objective is to improve the interoperability between data catalogs, enable federated search mechanisms, and (Open) Data on the Web. It is developed by the Dataset Exchange Working Group (DXWG). DCAT offers no guidelines about the format of the actual data, but focuses on metadata. The core of the specification consists of three main classes: catalog (dcat:Catalog), dataset (dcat:Dataset) and distribution (dcat:Distribution). One catalog comprises of several datasets and one dataset can include multiple distributions. A distribution represents the actual data. The basis for DCAT is the Dublin Core metadata vocabulary - a general standard for describing digital assets.


The DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) is an extension of DCAT for describing public sector data. Its maintenance is led by the European Commission and is established as the standard for the publication of Open Data across Europe - for instance it is applied by the official portal for European Data. Correspondent to the definition of application profiles, DCAT-AP applies concrete guidelines for DCAT, including cardinalities, mandatory fields and controlled namespaces. In addition, it adds domain-specific metadata fields to increase the expressiveness. The popularity of DCAT-AP has led to the development of extension and derivates of DCAT-AP itself. DCAT-AP is a viable foundation for the development of an application profile for IDS. Especially the availability of extensive SHACL shapes support the consideration for IDS.

Further Profiles

The following application profiles are mostly extensions of DCAT-AP for specific countries or types of data. Some of them are not actively developed any more and are just listed for completeness.

Profile Description
GeoDCAT-AP Extension for describing geospatial datasets. The latest release is from 2016.
StatDCAT-AP Specifications and tools that enhance interoperability between descriptions of statistical data sets within the statistical domain and between statistical data and open data portals. It adds properties to describe statistical data in more detail, for example data from Eurostat. Latest release is from 2019. Profile for Open Data from Germany.
DCAT-AP-SE Profile for Open Data from Sweden.
DCAT-BE Profile for Open Data from Belgium.
DCAT-AP-NO Profile for Open Data from Norway.
DCAT-AP_IT Profile for Open Data from Italy.
DCAT-AP-CZ Profile for Open Data from the Czech Republic.