InternetSociety / IETF-Ornithology

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The IETF Ornithology

The IETF Ornithology is an effort curate information about public policy issues in IETF work.

You can read the Ornithology through as a web page or as a PDF

Contributing to this document.

To allow for crowdsourcing the curation we have created a git repository for the document.

The source for this document can be found in the src directory of the repository. Readers are encouraged to contribute by opening issues or, for those experienced with github, issuing pull requests.

Local building

For local development: The web and PDF version of this document can be created locally. To generate these from their markdow source use mdBook with the mdbook-pandoc extension. This tooling is dependent on having LuaTeX, pandoc, and the Hind-Light font installed.

On OSX you can set up the environment, assuming you installed homebrew, by executing the following commands.

brew install rust pandoc mdbook mactex

# make sure the mactex paths are set:
eval "$(/usr/libexec/path_helper)"

cargo install mdbook-pandoc
echo 'PATH="/Users/olaf/.cargo/bin:$PATH"' > ~/.zshrc 
export PATH="/Users/olaf/.cargo/bin:$PATH"

The Hind font you have to install through the font install tools of your OS.

Once that is done - you can just run mdbook build from the root of this directory.

Tools and conventions

The markdown files are created with the working group acronym as their name. Their content follows the following template.

# The Title of the document

<IETFschedule> </IETFschedule>
* [About GROUP](
* keywords: keywords, and trigger words.

Description with an indication of elements 
that may be noteworthy

You can run the tool to update the agenda information between the <IETFschedule> XML elements. Type -h for usage information. A quick and dirty approach to updating the meeting information could be:

find src/IETF -type file -exec ./ 120 America/Vancouver {} \;