IntersectMBO / ouroboros-consensus

Implementation of a Consensus Layer for the Ouroboros family of protocols
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 21 forks source link
blockchain consensus ouroboros

Ouroboros Consensus

consensus diffusion protocol cardano sop-extras strict-sop-core


Implementation of the Ouroboros family of consensus algorithms.

Libraries and executables

This repository provides four packages, with the following dependencies among them:

flowchart TD
    D[ouroboros-consensus-diffusion] --> C
    A[ouroboros-consensus-cardano] --> B[ouroboros-consensus-protocol]
    A --> C
    B --> C[ouroboros-consensus]

The packages contain many test-suites that complicate the dependency graph as they create new depencency arcs.

This repository also provides four executables:

To list all the available Cabal components, one can use the following script because unfortunately, cabal doesn't have a command to list the available targets:

for f in $(find ouroboros-consensus* *sop* -type f -name "*.cabal"); do
    printf "Components of package %s:\n" $f;
    grep -E "^(library|test-suite|executable|benchmark)" $f --color=never | column -t | sort | sed 's/^/\t/'

Building the project

We use cabal to build our project, potentially inside a Nix shell (nix develop or nix-shell). It should suffice with:

> cabal build all

Specific executables can be executed through cabal once built:

> cabal run db-analyser

Testing the project

The project is tested with numerous Haskell test suites. To run every test suite, one can use:

> cabal test all

For running specific test-suites (such as consensus-test), we recommend one of the following commands:

> cabal run ouroboros-consensus:test:consensus-test -- <args>
> cabal test ouroboros-consensus:test:consensus-test --test-show-details=direct

Note the second one cannot be used when we want to provide CLI arguments to the test-suite.

Using Consensus as a dependency

We make releases to the Cardano Haskell Package repository from where you should pull new releases.

To use CHaP, follow their Readme, but in short:

  1. Add this at the top of your cabal.project file:

    repository cardano-haskell-packages
    secure: True
  2. Run cabal update to pull in the latest index.

  3. Specify which version of the index you want for both Hackage and CHaP. Note that it has to be higher or equal to the highest timestamp of the released versions of the packages that you want to use as dependencies:

    ,      2023-04-12T00:00:00Z
    , cardano-haskell-packages 2023-04-23T00:00:00Z

At this point, you should be able to declare our libraries as dependencies in your build-depends list on your cabal files.

If you use Nix, see the CHaP website on how to configure CHaP for haskell.nix.

The Consensus sublibraries---which are used for our internal testing---are visible and buildable by default only because the appropriate Cabal and/or Nix infrastructure to guard them behind an explicit opt-in is currently immature and fragile. WARNING breaking changes to the these libraries are not reflected in the package versions. That is why they all have the unstable- prefix in their name; use at your own risk, and please reach out to us if this policy of ours is an excessive burden on your use case.

How to contribute to the project

Your help is greatly appreciated. Please see our CONTRIBUTING document.

How to submit an issue

Issues can be filled in our GitHub issue tracker. Please use the provided issue templates.


We have several sources of documentation: