InterstellarOasis / map-terminus_src.dpkdir

Terminus map for Unvanquished (ported from Urban Terror, previously known as Metro)
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This is a metro-themed map designed by Honoré “newin” Jaussoin for the Urban Terror game. This project is a port to the Unvanquished game. It features an imaginary collapsed underground station in Bordeaux, France.

This map was already ported to Tremulous in the past, but it was'nt made cleanly: the porter had decompiled and recompiled it, and many issues were introduced. Since newin does not have his sources anymore, and to avoid an unreliable decompilation process, this port is done using the Granger's gardening toolbox which provides a tool to edit BSP files.

This map was named “Metro” on Urban Terror, it is named “Terminus” on Unvanquished to avoid conflicts with an homonym map by KOsAD.



How to

git clone
cd map-terminus_src.dpkdir/

You need the Urcheon tool and (there is some work in progress in q3map2 to avoid the need of

You will find the dpkdir in build/test.

urcheon build

You will find the dpk in build/pkg.

urcheon package

Run the map:

daemon -pakpath build/pkg +devmap terminus



Unvanquished port:


Extra credits

This map uses some models by Black Rayne Studios