IoTone / evento-proto

Mina bockchain event organizer ZKapp prototype designed to decentralize small scale events and meeting groups
Apache License 2.0
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This is a prototype of an event organization application so anyone can create and host meetings and events. Behind the scenes it uses one of the following blockchains Cosmos / Polygon / Mina. The first version probably won't be infrastructure-free. Likely AWS Lambda will serve somewhere support off-chain functions. It is designed for 3 users: event attendees, event organizers, and venue owner/manager/promoters. Yes, we openly would love to destroy the existing ecoystem of how events get organized by billionaire companies, and let people manage their fees, let organizers and proters keep more control, and enable some new use cases that only blockchain can support. Nope, it's not for doing e-commerce at this point, just a concept for creating events, checking in at events, verifying identity of the event ticket holder, and managing historical data around events.



Platform Requirements

Milestone I Requirements

Highlights for this release:

TODO: Finish this section below

Milestone II Requirements

Highlights for this release: Flutter based application ideally.

Milestone III Requirements

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Milestone IV Requirements:

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