Ionaru / easy-markdown-editor

EasyMDE: A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
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markdown markdown-converter markdown-editor markdown-parser markdown-to-html markdown-viewer

EasyMDE - Markdown Editor

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This repository is a fork of SimpleMDE, made by Sparksuite. Go to the dedicated section for more information.

A drop-in JavaScript text area replacement for writing beautiful and understandable Markdown. EasyMDE allows users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts.

In addition, the syntax is rendered while editing to clearly show the expected result. Headings are larger, emphasized words are italicized, links are underlined, etc.

EasyMDE also features both built-in auto saving and spell checking. The editor is entirely customizable, from theming to toolbar buttons and javascript hooks.

Try the demo


Quick access

Install EasyMDE

Via npm:

npm install easymde

Via the UNPKG CDN:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Or jsDelivr:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

How to use

Loading the editor

After installing and/or importing the module, you can load EasyMDE onto the first textarea element on the web page:

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE();

Alternatively you can select a specific textarea, via JavaScript:

<textarea id="my-text-area"></textarea>
const easyMDE = new EasyMDE({element: document.getElementById('my-text-area')});

Editor functions

Use easyMDE.value() to get the content of the editor:


Use easyMDE.value(val) to set the content of the editor:

easyMDE.value('New input for **EasyMDE**');


Options list

Options example

Most options demonstrate the non-default behavior:

const editor = new EasyMDE({
    autofocus: true,
    autosave: {
        enabled: true,
        uniqueId: "MyUniqueID",
        delay: 1000,
        submit_delay: 5000,
        timeFormat: {
            locale: 'en-US',
            format: {
                year: 'numeric',
                month: 'long',
                day: '2-digit',
                hour: '2-digit',
                minute: '2-digit',
        text: "Autosaved: "
    blockStyles: {
        bold: "__",
        italic: "_",
    unorderedListStyle: "-",
    element: document.getElementById("MyID"),
    forceSync: true,
    hideIcons: ["guide", "heading"],
    indentWithTabs: false,
    initialValue: "Hello world!",
    insertTexts: {
        horizontalRule: ["", "\n\n-----\n\n"],
        image: ["![](http://", ")"],
        link: ["[", "](https://)"],
        table: ["", "\n\n| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |\n| -------- | -------- | -------- |\n| Text     | Text      | Text     |\n\n"],
    lineWrapping: false,
    minHeight: "500px",
    parsingConfig: {
        allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace: true,
        strikethrough: false,
        underscoresBreakWords: true,
    placeholder: "Type here...",

    previewClass: "my-custom-styling",
    previewClass: ["my-custom-styling", "more-custom-styling"],

    previewRender: (plainText) => customMarkdownParser(plainText), // Returns HTML from a custom parser
    previewRender: (plainText, preview) => { // Async method
        setTimeout(() => {
            preview.innerHTML = customMarkdownParser(plainText);
        }, 250);

        // If you return null, the innerHTML of the preview will not
        // be overwritten. Useful if you control the preview node's content via
        // vdom diffing.
        // return null;

        return "Loading...";
    promptURLs: true,
    promptTexts: {
        image: "Custom prompt for URL:",
        link: "Custom prompt for URL:",
    renderingConfig: {
        singleLineBreaks: false,
        codeSyntaxHighlighting: true,
        sanitizerFunction: (renderedHTML) => {
            // Using DOMPurify and only allowing <b> tags
            return DOMPurify.sanitize(renderedHTML, {ALLOWED_TAGS: ['b']})
    shortcuts: {
        drawTable: "Cmd-Alt-T"
    showIcons: ["code", "table"],
    spellChecker: false,
    status: false,
    status: ["autosave", "lines", "words", "cursor"], // Optional usage
    status: ["autosave", "lines", "words", "cursor", {
        className: "keystrokes",
        defaultValue: (el) => {
            el.setAttribute('data-keystrokes', 0);
        onUpdate: (el) => {
            const keystrokes = Number(el.getAttribute('data-keystrokes')) + 1;
            el.innerHTML = `${keystrokes} Keystrokes`;
            el.setAttribute('data-keystrokes', keystrokes);
    }], // Another optional usage, with a custom status bar item that counts keystrokes
    styleSelectedText: false,
    sideBySideFullscreen: false,
    syncSideBySidePreviewScroll: false,
    tabSize: 4,
    toolbar: false,
    toolbarTips: false,
    toolbarButtonClassPrefix: "mde",

Toolbar icons

Below are the built-in toolbar icons (only some of which are enabled by default), which can be reorganized however you like. "Name" is the name of the icon, referenced in the JavaScript. "Action" is either a function or a URL to open. "Class" is the class given to the icon. "Tooltip" is the small tooltip that appears via the title="" attribute. Note that shortcut hints are added automatically and reflect the specified action if it has a key bind assigned to it (i.e. with the value of action set to bold and that of tooltip set to Bold, the final text the user will see would be "Bold (Ctrl-B)").

Additionally, you can add a separator between any icons by adding "|" to the toolbar array.

Name Action Tooltip
bold toggleBold Bold
fa fa-bold
italic toggleItalic Italic
fa fa-italic
strikethrough toggleStrikethrough Strikethrough
fa fa-strikethrough
heading toggleHeadingSmaller Heading
fa fa-header
heading-smaller toggleHeadingSmaller Smaller Heading
fa fa-header
heading-bigger toggleHeadingBigger Bigger Heading
fa fa-lg fa-header
heading-1 toggleHeading1 Big Heading
fa fa-header header-1
heading-2 toggleHeading2 Medium Heading
fa fa-header header-2
heading-3 toggleHeading3 Small Heading
fa fa-header header-3
code toggleCodeBlock Code
fa fa-code
quote toggleBlockquote Quote
fa fa-quote-left
unordered-list toggleUnorderedList Generic List
fa fa-list-ul
ordered-list toggleOrderedList Numbered List
fa fa-list-ol
clean-block cleanBlock Clean block
fa fa-eraser
link drawLink Create Link
fa fa-link
image drawImage Insert Image
fa fa-picture-o
upload-image drawUploadedImage Raise browse-file window
fa fa-image
table drawTable Insert Table
fa fa-table
horizontal-rule drawHorizontalRule Insert Horizontal Line
fa fa-minus
preview togglePreview Toggle Preview
fa fa-eye no-disable
side-by-side toggleSideBySide Toggle Side by Side
fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile
fullscreen toggleFullScreen Toggle Fullscreen
fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile
guide This link Markdown Guide
fa fa-question-circle
undo undo Undo
fa fa-undo
redo redo Redo
fa fa-redo

Toolbar customization

Customize the toolbar using the toolbar option.

Only the order of existing buttons:

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE({
    toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote"]

All information and/or add your own icons or text

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE({
    toolbar: [
            name: "bold",
            action: EasyMDE.toggleBold,
            className: "fa fa-bold",
            title: "Bold",
        "italic", // shortcut to pre-made button
            name: "custom",
            action: (editor) => {
                // Add your own code
            className: "fa fa-star",
            text: "Starred",
            title: "Custom Button",
            attributes: { // for custom attributes
                id: "custom-id",
                "data-value": "custom value" // HTML5 data-* attributes need to be enclosed in quotation marks ("") because of the dash (-) in its name.
        "|" // Separator
        // [, ...]

Put some buttons on dropdown menu

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE({
    toolbar: [{
                name: "heading",
                action: EasyMDE.toggleHeadingSmaller,
                className: "fa fa-header",
                title: "Headers",
                name: "others",
                className: "fa fa-blind",
                title: "others buttons",
                children: [
                        name: "image",
                        action: EasyMDE.drawImage,
                        className: "fa fa-picture-o",
                        title: "Image",
                        name: "quote",
                        action: EasyMDE.toggleBlockquote,
                        className: "fa fa-percent",
                        title: "Quote",
                        name: "link",
                        action: EasyMDE.drawLink,
                        className: "fa fa-link",
                        title: "Link",
        // [, ...]

Keyboard shortcuts

EasyMDE comes with an array of predefined keyboard shortcuts, but they can be altered with a configuration option. The list of default ones is as follows:

Shortcut (Windows / Linux) Shortcut (macOS) Action
Ctrl-' Cmd-' "toggleBlockquote"
Ctrl-B Cmd-B "toggleBold"
Ctrl-E Cmd-E "cleanBlock"
Ctrl-H Cmd-H "toggleHeadingSmaller"
Ctrl-I Cmd-I "toggleItalic"
Ctrl-K Cmd-K "drawLink"
Ctrl-L Cmd-L "toggleUnorderedList"
Ctrl-P Cmd-P "togglePreview"
Ctrl-Alt-C Cmd-Alt-C "toggleCodeBlock"
Ctrl-Alt-I Cmd-Alt-I "drawImage"
Ctrl-Alt-L Cmd-Alt-L "toggleOrderedList"
Shift-Ctrl-H Shift-Cmd-H "toggleHeadingBigger"
F9 F9 "toggleSideBySide"
F11 F11 "toggleFullScreen"
Ctrl-Alt-1 Cmd-Alt-1 "toggleHeading1"
Ctrl-Alt-2 Cmd-Alt-2 "toggleHeading2"
Ctrl-Alt-3 Cmd-Alt-3 "toggleHeading3"
Ctrl-Alt-4 Cmd-Alt-4 "toggleHeading4"
Ctrl-Alt-5 Cmd-Alt-5 "toggleHeading5"
Ctrl-Alt-6 Cmd-Alt-6 "toggleHeading6"

Here is how you can change a few, while leaving others untouched:

const editor = new EasyMDE({
    shortcuts: {
        "toggleOrderedList": "Ctrl-Alt-K", // alter the shortcut for toggleOrderedList
        "toggleCodeBlock": null, // unbind Ctrl-Alt-C
        "drawTable": "Cmd-Alt-T", // bind Cmd-Alt-T to drawTable action, which doesn't come with a default shortcut

Shortcuts are automatically converted between platforms. If you define a shortcut as "Cmd-B", on PC that shortcut will be changed to "Ctrl-B". Conversely, a shortcut defined as "Ctrl-B" will become "Cmd-B" for Mac users.

The list of actions that can be bound is the same as the list of built-in actions available for toolbar buttons.

Advanced use

Event handling

You can catch the following list of events:

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE();
easyMDE.codemirror.on("change", () => {

Removing EasyMDE from text area

You can revert to the initial text area by calling the toTextArea method. Note that this clears up the autosave (if enabled) associated with it. The text area will retain any text from the destroyed EasyMDE instance.

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE();
// ...
easyMDE = null;

If you need to remove registered event listeners (when the editor is not needed anymore), call easyMDE.cleanup().

Useful methods

The following self-explanatory methods may be of use while developing with EasyMDE.

const easyMDE = new EasyMDE();
easyMDE.isPreviewActive(); // returns boolean
easyMDE.isSideBySideActive(); // returns boolean
easyMDE.isFullscreenActive(); // returns boolean
easyMDE.clearAutosavedValue(); // no returned value

How it works

EasyMDE is a continuation of SimpleMDE.

SimpleMDE began as an improvement of lepture's Editor project, but has now taken on an identity of its own. It is bundled with CodeMirror and depends on Font Awesome.

CodeMirror is the backbone of the project and parses much of the Markdown syntax as it's being written. This allows us to add styles to the Markdown that's being written. Additionally, a toolbar and status bar have been added to the top and bottom, respectively. Previews are rendered by Marked using GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).

SimpleMDE fork

I originally made this fork to implement FontAwesome 5 compatibility into SimpleMDE. When that was done I submitted a pull request, which has not been accepted yet. This, and the project being inactive since May 2017, triggered me to make more changes and try to put new life into the project.

Changes include:

My intention is to continue development on this project, improving it and keeping it alive.

Hacking EasyMDE

You may want to edit this library to adapt its behavior to your needs. This can be done in some quick steps:

  1. Follow the prerequisites and installation instructions in the contribution guide;
  2. Do your changes;
  3. Run gulp command, which will generate files: dist/easymde.min.css and dist/easymde.min.js;
  4. Copy-paste those files to your code base, and you are done.


Want to contribute to EasyMDE? Thank you! We have a contribution guide just for you!


This project is released under the MIT License.