Ionshard / pyxis

A Command Line Player for SIRIUS and XM Sattelite Radio
GNU General Public License v2.0
19 stars 13 forks source link

Command Line XM and SIRIUS Radio Player - Pyxis

USAGE: Run python install as a super user. Then the command pyxis will bring up an interactive prompt. See pyxis --help for more options.

ABOUT: Pyxis is a wrapper that provides access to SIRIUS' internet radio streams through the command line. Pyxis is written entirely in python.

Pyxis is a large rewrite of the original project Sipie written and maintained by Eli Criffield at and none of Pyxis would have been possible without Sipie's authentication code. Big thank you to Eli Criffield.

The reason for Pyxis's existence is because in recent years development on Sipie has slowed and as such when SIRIUS changes something the time required to bring it back to a working version can sometimes be a long time. So a couple of us decided to rip out all the largely unused portions of Sipie, refactor a lot of it and bring it into a more stable and adaptable package. Thus Pyxis was born when we realized we could no longer pretend it was still Sipie.