Ipuch / spartacus-shoulder-kinematic-dataset

Gathering all the litterature on shoulder kinematics, and scapulo-humeral rythm
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Gathering all the literature on shoulder kinematics, and scapulo-humeral rhythm With this repository, We aim to gather all the literature on shoulder kinematics, and scapulo-humeral rhythm. We will try to keep it updated as much as possible. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

We assume the continuity of the data between articles. For example, if the same data is used in two articles, and some information is missing in the last one, we pick the information in the previous article.

Still a work in progress but citable

Moissenet, F., Puchaud, P., Naaïm, A., Holzer, N., & Begon, M. (2024). Spartacus-shoulder-kinematics-dataset/shoulder-kinematics congress (0.1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11455521

  author       = {Moissenet, Florent and
                  Puchaud, Pierre and
                  Naaïm, Alexandre and
                  Holzer, Nicolas and
                  Begon, Mickael},
  title        = {{Spartacus-shoulder-kinematics-dataset/shoulder- 
                   kinematics congress}},
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {0.1.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.11455521},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11455521}

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Table of Contents

The dataset columns

The dataset columns

The dataset is a csv file, each row aim to represent a joint movement as a function of the humerothoracic elevation angle. The columns are the following:



variable type: string The title of the article


variable type: string The authors of the article


variable type: integer The year of publication


variable type: string The journal where the article was published

Experimental conditions

in vivo

variable type: boolean True if the article is in vivo, False if it is ex vivo

experimental means

variable type: string The experimental means used in the article:

nb shoulders

variable type: integer The number of shoulders/ subjects in the article, sometimes right and left shoulders are counted as two shoulders

type of movement

variable type: string The type of movement:


variable type: boolean True if the movement is active, False if it is passive (i.e. related to a muscular control, e.g. in vivo quasi-static in standing posture is active, but in vivo quasi-static in lying posture may be inactive)


variable type: string The posture of the subject when the data was collected:

Generic segment columns

This columns are generic for the following key words:

examples: humerus_is_isb, clavicle_is_isb, scapula_is_isb


variable type: boolean True if the segment follows the ISB recommendations, False otherwise


variable type: boolean True if the global coordinate system is considered as the thorax. This column is only revelant for the Thorax.


variable type: boolean True if the segment coordinates system can be corrected to follow the ISB recommendations, False otherwise


variable type: string The method used to correct the segment coordinates system to follow the ISB recommendations:

Note: two methods can be combined, to get back to the ISB recommendations, might be a list of strings at the end of the day Note:


variable type: string

The anatomical landmark used as origin for the segment coordinates system: Most of the landmarks comes from Wu et al. 2005:






variable type: string X, Y and Z denote the axis of the segment coordinates system. The anatomical direction of the axis:

This nomenclature/terminology has been chosen because in the case the segement coordinate system doesn't properly follow the ISB recommandations, the axis can vaguely point in the direction, but not strictly regarding the ISB recommendations.

Thoracohumeral columns


variable type: string The sequence of the thoracohumeral joint:


variable type: string When no sequence is given, the thoracohumeral angle is given:


variable type: boolean True if the thoracohumeral joint can be used to compute the humerothoracic elevation angle, False otherwise


variable type: boolean True if the thoracohumeral joint is usable, but can be used with a risk, False otherwise A risk is known when the thoracohumeral joint is not perfectly in accordance with the ISB recommendations, but the thoracohumeral joint can still be used as the data may be valuable.

Joint motion columns


variable type: string The motion performed:


variable type: string The joint name considered on the row: of the csv file :

parent or child

variable type: string The segment considered as parent of the joint:


variable type: string The sequence of the joint:


variable type: string The anatomical landmark used as origin for the translation:


variable type: string segment name or joint name. It may refer to the proximal, distal or joint coordinate system


variable type: boolean True if the displacement is absolute, False if it is relative (in percentage).


variable type: string The method used to correct the displacement:

Data columns and array of data


variable type: boolean True if the data is the mean of the subjects, False otherwise


variable type: integer The id of the shoulder/subject, if the data is not the mean of the subjects


variable type: string The source of the data:


variable type: array of floats The humero-thoracic elevation data to describe the shoulder rhythm of the joint, in degrees (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The first euler angle of the joint, in degrees (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The second euler angle of the joint, in degrees (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The third euler angle of the joint, in degrees (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The translation along the x axis of the joint, in mm (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The translation along the y axis of the joint, in mm (to be confirmed)


variable type: array of floats The translation along the z axis of the joint, in mm (to be confirmed)

Exceptions, too exotic

Sahara et al 2006 : The scapula coordinate system is the clavicle coordinate system at abduction zero degree. The scapua frame is very exotic and not convertable to ISB standards.

Risks evocated

Risks too high