IreneKilgannon / computer_infrastructure

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Computer Infrastructure

Author: Irene Kilgannon

Student No: G00220627

This repository contains the assessment tasks and project for the module, Computer Infrastructure as part of the Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in Data Analytics at Atlantic Technological University.

Purpose of the Module

The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate ability in the following:

  1. Use, configure, and script in a command line interface environment.

  2. Manipulate and move data and code using the command line.

  3. Compare commonly available software infrastructures and architectures.

  4. Select appropriate infrastructure for a given computational task.

Outline of the Tasks and Project

Task 1: Create Directory Structure

Using the command line, create a directory named data at the root of your repository. Inside data, create two subdirectories: timestamps and weather.

Task 2: Timestamps

Navigate to the data/timestamps directory. Use the date command to output the current date and time, appending the output to a file named now.txt. Use the >> operator to append (not overwrite) the file. Repeat this step ten times, then use the more command to verify that now.txt has the expected content.

Task 3: Formatting Timestamps

Run the date command again, but this time format the output using YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS (e.g., 20261114_130003 for 1:00:03 PM on November 14, 2026). Refer to the date man page (using man date) for more formatting options. (Press q to exit the man page). Append the formatted output to a file named formatted.txt.

Task 4: Create Timestamped Files

Use the touch command to create an empty file with a name in the YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.txt format. You can achieve this by embedding your date command in backticks ` into the touch command. You should no longer use redirection (>>) in this step.

Task 5: Download Today's Weather Data

Change to the data/weather directory. Download the latest weather data for the Athenry weather station from Met Eireann using wget. Use the -O <filename> option to save the file as weather.json. The data can be found at this URL:

Task 6: Timestamp the Data

Modify the command from Task 5 to save the downloaded file with a timestamped name in the format YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.json.

Task 7: Write the Script

Write a bash script called in the root of your repository. This script should automate the process from Task 6, saving the weather data to the data/weather directory. Make the script executable and test it by running it.

Task 8: Notebook

Create a notebook called weather.ipynb at the root of your repository. In this notebook, write a brief report explaining how you completed Tasks 1 to 7. Provide short descriptions of the commands used in each task and explain their role in completing the tasks.

Task 9: pandas

In your weather.ipynb notebook, use the pandas function read_json() to load in any one of the weather data files you have downloaded with your script. Examine and summarize the data. Use the information provided to write a short explanation of what the data set contains.


Automate the script to run daily and push the new data to your repository. The following steps will create the necessary GitHub Actions workflow.

Step 1: Create a GitHub Actions Workflow

In the repository, create a folder called .github/workflows/ (if it doesn't already exist). Inside this folder, create a file called weather-data.yml.

Step 2: Run Daily at 10am

Use the schedule event with cron to set the script to run once a day at 10am. Include also the workflow_dispatch event so you can test the workflow.

Step 3: Use a Linux Virtual Machine

In the workflow file, specify that a Ubuntu virtual machine should be used to run the action.

Step 4: Clone the Repository

Have the workflow clone your repository.

Step 5: Execute the Script

Add a step that runs your script.

Step 6: Commit and Push Changes Back to the Repository

Configure the workflow to commit the new weather data and push those changes back to your repository.

Step 7: Test the Workflow

Commit and push the workflow to your repository. Check the logs in GitHub to ensure that the script runs correctly, that new data is being committed.

Contents of this repository

The repository contains the following directories: complete as directories and files are added.

Get Started

  1. Download and install Anaconda. Anaconda is a Python distribution and comes with pre-installed packages. Please note that when installing Anaconda it is important to check the two boxes for:
    • Add Anaconda3 to my PATH environment variable
    • Register Anaconda3 as my default


  1. Download and install Visual Studio Code.

  2. Download and install git.

  3. Create a GitHub account. The command line of GitHub codespaces will be used in the tasks and project.

  4. Open Cmder (or the terminal in VSCode) and enter the following to clone the repository from GitHub:

    git clone

Get Help

If you have any questions or queries you can contact me at or alternatively submit an issue.