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Public repo for the Marine Institute's data catalogue.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Marine Institute Data Catalogue: GeoNetwork

This repository contains the custom files for the GeoNetwork implementation of the Marine Institute's Data Catalogue.

How to Build the MI Data Catalogue GeoNetwork application

The external web portal for the MI Data Catalogue is based on GeoNetwork 3 with MI customizations: These include:


The following tools are required to be installed to setup a development environment for GeoNetwork:

For details on the latest supported versions, please refer to: GeoNetwork Software Development Guide

Cloning the MI Data Catalogue Repository (this repo)

Ensure you have cloned the MI Data Catalogue Repository (this repo). This ensures you have the latest build scripts and MI specific file changes before starting the build.

Steps to clone MI Data Catalogue repository:

Detailed Build Steps:

IMPORTANT: Any files included in this github repository must be included in the 'mi_geonetwork_build' maven config script, otherwise files will not be picked up by the build. Ensure your files are included in the build script before starting a build.

Run the following:

Run the commands:

Run a clean build by running the command:

The build should be successful. Note: Maven default location: C:\Users\.m2\repository. Output WAR is stored in: \geonetwork\web\target

Pull in sub-modules for Plugins:

Run commands:

Navigate to the data-catalogue repository and run the MI script: mi_geonetwork_build.xml. This is an ant build script and will copy all required MI content into the build branch of the geonetwork repository (created earlier)

The build (copy files) should complete successfully.

The final step is to navigate back to the 'geonetwork' repository and re-run the Maven build. This will build a new version of the geonetwork application with MI specific changes applied.

The build should be successful. The final build output is an output WAR file stored in: \geonetwork\web\target.

geonetwork h2 Database:

The default location of the geonetwork h2 database is: \Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0 The following files are created:

gn.h2.db gn.lock.db gn.trace.db gn.trace.db.old

To deploy a fully clean version, the above files should be deleted and a new data harvest performed.
