An API for the purposes of creating a chatbot connecting Floridians with shelters and help requests.
This is a simple API which converts queries for a ZIP code into a lat/long, and then queries the Irma API with that lat/long.
You will need a version of nodejs installed.
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
npm install
gcloud components update && gcloud components install beta
First, create a project in Google Developers Console:
Then, you will need to deploy the cloud function to your project. There is a quickstart here and also you might find the cloud console helpful.
Log in from the command line:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project irma-response-bot
You will need to make a bucket to store the build artifact:
gsutil mb -p [PROJECT_ID] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
Deploy the app:
# TODO: this needs to dynamically look up the project ID and bucket name
make deploy