Iru21 / Authy

A simple authentication plugin for Minecraft 1.17+!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
25 stars 17 forks source link
authentication minecraft plugin spigot

Authy — a simple authentication plugin for Minecraft 1.17+!

spigot modrinth

Click one of the badges above to get it!


...and more! (suggestions are welcome!)


Command Arguments Description
/login [password] [pin (required when toggled and set)] Logs in to the server
/register [password] [repeat password] Registers the player
/unregister Unregisters the player
/unregister [nickname] Unregisters given player (console only)
/remember Saves session for 48 hours (customizable)
/changepassword [old password] [new password] [repeat new password] Changes your password
/pin Help command for PINs
/pin set [pin] Sets the PIN
/pin toggle Toggles the PIN
/authy Shows information about the plugin
/authy info Shows selected information from the config
/authy reload Reloads config and translations


Permission Description
authy.login /login command
authy.register /register command
authy.unregister /unregister command
authy.remember /remember command /pin commands
authy.changepassword /changepassword command
authy.reload /authy reload command
authy.ipbypass Bypass IP check
authy.notifyonduplicateip Notifications about accounts with duplicate IPs /authy info command

Useful Links

Default Config

Creating translations (English template)

Reporting issues and giving suggestions

All thanks to our contributors!