Ishadijcks / MooLite

Open source Milky Way Idle client
11 stars 4 forks source link


MooLite is a free, open source Milky Way Idle client.



IMPORTANT: MooLite is implemented as a TamperMonkey user script. TamperMonkey is a browser extension that can read and modify webpages you are browsing. Make sure you only install MooLite if you trust both TamperMonkey and MooLite not to steal your information.


The following instructions are only relevant if you want to help develop MooLite. If you're looking to install the browser extension, see Usage

MooLite uses Vite, Vue 3, and TypeScript to deliver extensions right in thr browser.


Install the dependencies to work on this project

npm install

Running the client locally

Install a local userscript to inject the custom WebSocket.

This step only needs to be done the first time.

npm run build-dev

Locate the build script in dist/moolite-dev.user.js, and drag it into the TamperMonkey Dashboard. Installing the script

npm run dev

This will run Vite. Once it's booted, click the Vite link in your terminal to open and install the userscript.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to disable the installed MooLite version while using the dev version.

You can now open the game in your browser, and see the MooLite sidebar.

If you don't see the sidebar the first time, try refreshing once. If you ever don't get the sidebar after that, please open an issue.


Inspect the component library with Histoire, run

npm run story:dev


Enforces the correct styles across all files

npm run lint


This client is heavily inspired by RuneLite a great open source OldSchool RuneScape client. Most of the design decisions were made to mimic RuneLite, as it has a truly amazing plugin system.

The build process is based on lisonge/vite-plugin-monkey, a vite plugin to create Tampermonkey scripts.

And of course this client would not exist if the very fun game Milky Way Idle was never made. If you enjoy this game, make sure to show the developers some support if you can afford it!


MooLite does not collect user information or analytics of any kind. The only external request it makes is to load Vue from an external CDN.