Closed tucked closed 3 years ago
@tucked do you have test results? I can't eyeball the guid 😊
The fix works. root@remotedev-sxie-rdu:/git/isilon_hadoop_tools# python3 -m tox -e py36 --devenv ./venv py36 create: /git/isilon_hadoop_tools/venv py36 installdeps: contextlib2 ~= 0.5.5, mock ~= 2.0.0, pytest ~= 4.3.0, pytest-cov ~= 2.6.1, pytest-randomly ~= 1.2.3, git+ py36 develop-inst: /git/isilon_hadoop_tools py36 installed: atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==20.3.0,certifi==2020.12.5,chardet==4.0.0,contextlib2==0.5.5,coverage==5.5,future==0.18.2,idna==2.10,importlib-metadata==3.10.0,isi-sdk-7-2==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-0==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-0-1==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-1-0==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-1-1==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-2-0==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-2-1==0.2.11,isi-sdk-8-2-2==0.2.11,-e git+,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.7.0,pbr==5.5.1,pluggy==0.13.1,py==1.10.0,pytest==4.3.1,pytest-cov==2.6.1,pytest-randomly==1.2.3,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-kadmin @ git+,requests==2.25.1,six==1.15.0,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.4,zipp==3.4.1
root@remotedev-sxie-rdu:/git/isilon_hadoop_tools# cat tox.ini [tox]
minversion = 3.7.0
isolated_build = true
envlist = py{27,35,36,37,38}-urllib3{121,default}
deps = contextlib2 ~= 0.5.5 mock ~= 2.0.0 pytest ~= 4.3.0 pytest-cov ~= 2.6.1 pytest-randomly ~= 1.2.3 git+ urllib3121: urllib3 ~= 1.21.1
@ro-ket In this case, I think we can probably use the Travis results...
And if I botched this, it's purely test code. switched the
dep from to; however, we now hit We need both PRs to fix this while maintaining py38 support, so I made to do that. This switches the dep to use that.