Isilon / isilon_hadoop_tools

Tools for Using Hadoop with OneFS
MIT License
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Isilon Hadoop Tools

Tools for Using Hadoop with OneFS

IHT Demo


Isilon Hadoop Tools (IHT) currently requires Python 3.7+ and supports OneFS 8+.

Option 1: Install as a stand-alone command line tool.

Use pipx to install IHT.
> _`pipx` requires Python 3.7 or later._ 1. [Install `pipx`:]( ``` sh python3 -m pip install --user pipx ``` - Tip: Newer versions of some Linux distributions (e.g. [Debian 10](, [Ubuntu 19.04](, etc.) offer native packages for `pipx`.
``` sh python3 -m pipx ensurepath ``` - Note: You may need to restart your terminal for the `$PATH` updates to take effect. 2. Use `pipx` to install [`isilon_hadoop_tools`]( ``` sh pipx install isilon_hadoop_tools ``` 3. Test the installation: ``` sh isilon_create_users --help isilon_create_directories --help ``` - Use `pipx` to uninstall at any time: ``` sh pipx uninstall isilon_hadoop_tools ``` See Python's [Installing stand alone command line tools]( guide for more information.

Option 2: Create an ephemeral installation.

Use pip to install IHT in a virtual environment.
> Python "Virtual Environments" allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular application, rather than being installed globally. 1. Use the built-in [`venv`]( module to create a virtual environment: ``` sh python3 -m venv ./iht ``` 2. Install [`isilon_hadoop_tools`]( into the virtual environment: ``` sh iht/bin/pip install isilon_hadoop_tools ``` - Note: This requires access to an up-to-date Python Package Index (PyPI, usually For offline installations, necessary resources can be downloaded to a USB flash drive which can be used instead: ``` sh pip3 download --dest /media/usb/iht-dists isilon_hadoop_tools ``` ``` sh iht/bin/pip install --no-index --find-links /media/usb/iht-dists isilon_hadoop_tools ``` 3. Test the installation: ``` sh iht/bin/isilon_create_users --help ``` - Tip: Some users find it more convenient to "activate" the virtual environment (which prepends the virtual environment's `bin/` to `$PATH`): ``` sh source iht/bin/activate isilon_create_users --help isilon_create_directories --help deactivate ``` - Remove the virtual environment to uninstall at any time: ``` sh rm --recursive iht/ ``` See Python's [Installing Packages]( tutorial for more information.


To use IHT, you will need the following:

Connecting to OneFS via HTTPS

OneFS ships with a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate by default, and such a certificate will not be verifiable by any well-known certificate authority. If you encounter CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED errors while using IHT, it may be because OneFS is still using the default certificate. To remedy the issue, consider encouraging your OneFS administrator to install a verifiable certificate instead. Alternatively, you may choose to skip certificate verification by using the --no-verify option, but do so at your own risk!

Preparing OneFS for Hadoop Deployment

Note: This is not meant to be a complete guide to setting up Hadoop with OneFS. If you stumbled upon this page or have not otherwise consulted the appropriate install guide for your distribution, please do so at

There are 2 tools in IHT that are meant to assist with the setup of OneFS as HDFS for a Hadoop cluster:

  1. isilon_create_users, which creates users and groups that must exist on all hosts in the Hadoop cluster, including OneFS
  2. isilon_create_directories, which sets the correct ownership and permissions on directories in HDFS on OneFS

These tools must be used in order since a user/group must exist before it can own a directory.


Using the information from above, an invocation of isilon_create_users could look like this:

isilon_create_users --dry \
    --onefs-user "$iht_user" \
    --zone "$zone" \
    --dist "$dist" \
    --append-cluster-name "$cluster_name" \

If anything goes wrong (e.g. the script stopped because you forgot to give $iht_user the ISI_PRIV_HDFS privilege), you can safely rerun with the same options. IHT should figure out that some of its job has been done already and work with what it finds.

Generated Shell Script

After running isilon_create_users, you will find a new file in $PWD named like so:


This script should be copied to and run on all the other hosts in the Hadoop cluster (excluding OneFS). It will create the same users/groups with the same UIDs/GIDs and memberships as on OneFS using LSB utilities such as groupadd, useradd, and usermod.


Using the information from above, an invocation of isilon_create_directories could look like this:

isilon_create_directories --dry \
    --onefs-user "$iht_user" \
    --zone "$zone" \
    --dist "$dist" \
    --append-cluster-name "$cluster_name" \

If anything goes wrong (e.g. the script stopped because you forgot to run isilon_create_users first), you can safely rerun with the same options. IHT should figure out that some of its job has been done already and work with what it finds.


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