Isra3l / ligpargen

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alchemical-free-energy-calculations cm1a molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation monte-carlo-simulation opls opls-aa

LigParGen v2.1

Author:   Israel Cabeza de Vaca Lopez
Email: //
Place:     William L. Jorgensen Lab at Yale University // Jens Carlsson Lab at Uppsala university
Date:    2020-2021

Description: An automatic OPLS-AA parameter generator for small organic molecules using CM1A, 1.14CM1A and CM1A-LBCC charge models. LigParGen accepts any Open Babel molecular format including SMILES, PDB, MOL, MOL2, among others. Final OPLSAA parameter outputs will be written in topology/coordinate input files for BOSS, Q, Tinker, PQR, openMM, CHARMM/NAMD, Gromacs, LAMMPS, Desmond, and xplor softwares.

Note: This new version has been written from scratch but it is based on the Leela Dodda initial ligpargen python code.

WARNING: This version of ligpargen requires BOSS5.0 to work correctly. Some features like CM1A-LBCC are not available with the BOSS version provided by the Jorgensen Lab website. I strongly recommend you request a BOSS5.0 executable by sending an email directly to Prof. Jorgensen (

New LigParGen features:


LigParGen requires the free BOSS software to generate the OPLSAA parameters.

1 - Download and install BOSS software from the official William L. Jorgensen lab website:

BOSS is compiled for linux using 32 bits libraries so it can not run in windows using WSL. Alternatively, you can use a virtual machine in windows such as virtualBox to install a linux distro (ubuntu, centos, ...) and run LigParGen.

1.1 - Set the BOSSdir enviromental variable:

2 - Download and install conda (anaconda or minicoda):




3 - Create and activate an enviroment for python3.7 (Everything was tested with 3.7):

conda create --name py37 python=3.7

conda activate py37  

Optional TIP: add this line to your .bashrc/.cshrc,....

4- Install rdkit and openbabel in py37 enviroment

conda install -c rdkit rdkit
conda install -c conda-forge openbabel

5 - Download and install LigParGen

git clone

pip install -e ligpargen

Optional: Check your installation by runing the tests included in the ligpargen folder.

cd ligpargen;python -m unittest test_ligpargen/

TIP: Do not forget to activate your py37 enviroment before using LigParGen.

conda activate py37


Input arguments list:

For alchemical transformations:



Molecule template generation:

ligpargen -i phenol.pdb -n phenol -p phenol -r MOL -c 0 -o 0 -cgen CM1A
ligpargen -s 'c1ccc(cc1)O' -n phenol -p phenol -r MOL -c 0 -o 0 -cgen CM1A
ligpargen -s 'c1ccc(cc1)O'
ligpargen -s 'c1ccc(cc1)O' -n phenol -cgen CM1A-LBCC

Alchemical transformations:

ligpargen -i phenol.pdb -ib benzene.pdb -n phenolToBenzene -p phenol2bnz -r A2B -c 0 -o 0 -cgen CM1A -cb 0 -ob 1 -cgenb CM1A-LBCC
ligpargen -i phenol.pdb -ib benzene.pdb -n phenolToBenzene
ligpargen -s 'c1ccc(cc1)O' -sb 'c1ccccc1' -n phenol_benzene
ligpargen -s 'c1ccc(cc1)O' -sb 'c1ccccc1' -n phenol_benzene -o 0 -cgen CM1A -cb 0 -ob 1 -cgenb CM1A-LBCC
ligpargen -i phenol.pdb -sb 'c1ccccc1' -n phenol_benzene -o 0 -cgen CM1A -cb 0 -ob 1 -cgenb CM1A-LBCC

Default values:

For help use the -h flag:

ligpargen -h

Please do not forget to cite the following references:

  1. LigParGen web server: an automatic OPLS-AA parameter generator for organic ligands
    Leela S. Dodda Israel Cabeza de Vaca Julian Tirado-Rives William L. Jorgensen Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 45, Issue W1, 3 July 2017, Pages W331–W336

  2. 1.14*CM1A-LBCC: Localized Bond-Charge Corrected CM1A Charges for Condensed-Phase Simulations