Iterative-Game-Assembly / indigo

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Full game overview #12

Open Xahell opened 4 years ago

Xahell commented 4 years ago

What's this

This issue aims at producing the big picture of the full game for the following aspect:


Here is the list of the identified puzzles:

Here if the full ordered puzzle set:

  1. Color mixing
  2. The Beggar
  3. The Piano
  4. Moving Block
  5. Color me
  6. The Piano variant
  7. ?
  8. Color mixing or Color me variant
  9. Moving Block
  10. ? (Boss)

At least 2 of the missing entries should be unique puzzles like "The Beggar".


This section gives the missing features from a code point of view.


To be done:


The boy walks through the dungeons up to the boss with his dog, meeting sign posts and NPC.

The underlying story:

People think the tower grants a wish to whoever climbs to the top. But the tower only offers serenity and freedom from greed, elevating the spirit. As one goes to the top, they find himself free from their initial avarice and are filled with contentment, becoming a wiser and more genuine person.

On the path to the top, the boy meets a cruel individual who rejects the treachery, and goes rampage to steal the tower magic source for themselves.

Here are the narrative hints that can be found every two levels (the idea, not the final formulation): this is very work in progress!

  1. Climbs to have your desires fulfilled.
  2. N/A
  3. They come for greed, yet we only offer redemption. (or something, I don't know yet)
  4. N/A
  5. ? (some other sentence that goes toward giving up greed)
  6. N/A
  7. Beat-up NPC, blood, a note on the floor: "Lies and deceptions. They think they can change me? ME!?"
  8. N/A
  9. Killed NPC, note on the floor: "I can sense you, whoever you are. Do not follow me! Do you think you can stop me, like they tried to? I will have reach the top, I will have my wish fulfilled, no matter the cost!"
  10. Boss line (haha you shall not stop me! or something)
  11. (post boss, final screen) ?


This section lists everything needed for the art, done and to be done.


To be done:


This section lists everything needed for the sound, done and to be done.


To be done:

strutcode commented 4 years ago

While it's not at all bad to have goals, given the time frame and the scope I think we should be adaptable about this. I expect we can do more than this but it's hard to be sure.

For my part I'm most interested in just generating as much stuff as we can and in the last week or so we can assess what we have and see how we can fit it all together into a cohesive whole.

Xahell commented 4 years ago

This issue is not meant as a "freezing the scope" thing, but as a place to be updated over time so everyone can check it out and keep a good understanding of where the project is going on.

Things will be extended, the scope will grow as additional stuff is done, that's alright. But it's important to keep an eye on this and focus on the missing stuff (like the boss fight, the narrative, etc.).

collectivenectar commented 4 years ago

So I like the writing overall of the introduction, but I'm realizing I had a totally different impression of the tower from the start. This isn't necessarily a problem, since the dark music I wrote can still go with scenes involving the boss. I do want to ask some questions to clarify though, and I'd ask them in the discord but for two reasons, not everyone would see them, and I can go back to the answers later when I'm working on stuff if I forget something.

Ok questions:

  1. Is the sister out of the story? I'm not particularly attached to the idea, but just for clarification.

  2. "People think the tower grants a wish to whoever climbs to the top. But the tower only offers serenity and freedom from greed, elevating the spirit. As one goes to the top, they find himself free from their initial avarice and are filled with contentment, becoming a wiser and more genuine person."

Does this mean there no actual 'wish' at the end of the game? That may make the end game a bit disappointing on some level, unless beating the boss has some other bonus that trumps getting his wish fulfilled. Also, will there be a backstory to the character? Why does the character go into this tower? A specific wish would really help me relate to the storyline.

  1. I take it the boss actually enters the tower before the player does? So the narrative is sort of like what's his name in Pokemon where he says some condescending remark and then leaves through the side, and at crucial checkpoints battles him, but he's always one step ahead and doesn't quite get the point of treating Pokemon nicely sort of thing?

  2. Who's the NPC mentioned that the boss has beaten+killed? I don't understand that part. The dialogue towards the end makes me think the NPC is part of the tower staff or something, or maybe just that the boss is paranoid homicidal and thinks other tower climbers are out to get him. If that's the case, cool, but maybe dialogue should expose more psychosis early on so it makes sense when he cracks and kills a random NPC. Also, I love it when an enemy character storyline also has a convicting backstory. Maybe boss has lost his wife and wants her back from the dead kinda thing? Maybe his home town is being ravaged by disease, maybe they had a trauma or something that makes him snap when he suspects he won't get his wish.

  3. Why does the boss fight the character?

strutcode commented 4 years ago

So I'm not sure how far we need or want to go in terms of actual plot, but if it's meant to be that I think it's missing a few crucial things:

Not really a proposal but to illustrate the points by example:

Billy's life irreversibly changed course when he lost his sister in a house fire. His parents barely look at him now, and the blanket of grief weighs heavily. Day after day he wishes for everything to go back to the way it was before.

That's when it appeared. Definite yet ethereal like a mirage, a place that exists between many worlds. The Ascension Tower. "You who reach my greatest heights will have your desire fulfilled" the inscription above the door read.

Along the way he met people from places far different from his own and learned of many wishes, but there was one that was different from the very beginning. Bad Bob climbed the tower floors faster than anyone, driven to achieve his goal no matter the cost.

Upon reaching the very top of the tower both were granted the serenity to accept life as it is, but Bad Bob refused. When he attempted to take the tower's magic for his own selfish ends, Billy realized that he was the only one who could stop it.