IuAyala / Self-Driving-Cars-Course

This repository stores code for my Self-Driving Cars Course!
MIT License
7 stars 9 forks source link

Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python Exercises

This repository stores code for the course: Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python Exercises - Get Lectures


Course Sections



Install Webots

Install on Debian-based systems (i.e. Ubuntu), open a terminal and paste the following commands (shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T), then paste:

wget -qO- https://cyberbotics.com/Cyberbotics.asc | sudo apt-key add - # Add the key with the command
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://cyberbotics.com/debian/ binary-amd64/' # Add the repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install webots # install Webots

Alternative you can install it through the snap store:

sudo apt-get install snapd
sudo snap install webots

Official documentation - link

Automated installation of the rest (Python, Visual Studio Code, Python Libraries, Environment Variables) - Linux

You can install everything necessary in Linux by executing the following on a terminal.

cd ~/Code/Self-Driving-Cars-Course/0_install # set the right path, this will work with the default path

Note: This method should work for: Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch-based distros

Manual installation of the rest (Python, Visual Studio Code, Python Libraries, Environment Variables) - Linux


To set up the environment variables, open a terminal and run the following commands:

echo "export WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "WEBOTS_PYTHON=${WEBOTS_HOME}/lib/controller/python" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:}${WEBOTS_HOME}/lib/controller" >> ~/.bashrc

Validate intallation, run the following command:

PYTHONPATH=$(echo $PYTHONPATH | tr ':' '\n')
last_element=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$PYTHONPATH")
ls ${last_element}/controller/robot.py

Should output something like: /usr/local/webots/lib/controller/python/controller/robot.py Otherwise your Python won't have access to the Webots library. If you get something like ls: cannot acces... then you need to make sure that the paths you entered are present in your machine (feel free to contact the repo owner if you are having issues with that).

Official documentation - link


Install Webots - Windows

Official documentation - link

Manual Installation - Windows


Install the required Python libraries:

Set the required environment variables

Official documentation - link


Each section has a set of files, the ones that have leading numbers (i.e. 1, 2, ...) are the ones that should be executed, in the order marked by the leading numbers.

Some of them require some preparation (i.e. run Webots simulator, download dataset):

NOTE: When it requires any Webots world (.wbt) you can open it in Webots by clicking "File-->Open World".


If you have any problem with the code the best way to contact me is Udemy Q&A section. Leave your question there and I'll answer as soon as possible!